WEEK 10&11
Topic: Computer as an IPO system
Subbtitle: processing data(Central Processing Unit)
Learning Objectives:At the end of this this lesson,pupils should be able to:
Resources and materials:
Scheme of work
Online information
Instructional material: A functional computer system.
Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.
The Processing Device
The Processor
Process :- Process is the operation of data or information as per given instruction. It is totally internal process of the computer system. CPU (Central processing Unit) is the main processing device of the computer
The main unit inside the computer is the CPU. This unit is responsible for all events inside the computer. It controls all internal and external devices, performs arithmetic and logic operations. The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the device that interprets and executes instructions.
The operations, a microprocessor performs are called the instruction set of this processor. Processors differ from one to another by the instruction set. If the same program can run on two different computer brands they are set to be compatible. Programs written for IBM compatible computers will not run on apple computers because these two architectures are not compatible.
Mainframes and early mini computers contained circuit boards full of integrated circuits cards implemented the central processing unit. Today’s single chip central processing units, called microprocessors, make personal computers and workstations possible. The CPU has the ability to fetch, decode, and execute instructions and transfer information to and from other recourses over the computer’s main data-transfer path, the bus. By definition, the CPU is the chip that functions as the brain of a computer. In some instances, however, the term encompasses both the processor and the computer’s memory or, even more broadly, the main computer console.
All processors use transistors as switched to produce signals, much like a light switch, which digitizes the information and breaks them up into small chumps. If you have one transistor you can perform two signals-on and off. If you have two transistors you can perform signals-both on, both off, first on, second off, first off, second on. This is interpreted in binary, such as: 00111001 – 0 for off, 1 for on.
Strategies& Activities:
Step :Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step 2:Teacher introduces the new topic.
Step3:Teacher explains the new topic.
Step4: Teacher welcomes pupils questions.
Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.
Assessment & Evaluation:
WRAP UP(CONCLUSION) Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.
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