Week: 5th
Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: primary 4
Term: 1st Term
Topic: God calls us for a purpose
- The story of the call of Abraham. Genesis 13:1-3
- The purpose of God’s call.
- The right response to God’s call
- Benefits of obedience to God’s call. Lk 5:1-11, Genesis 12:1-20
Instructional material/Reference material: Textbook charts and pictures.
Building Background /connection to prior knowledge : Pupils are familiar with the topic
The story of the call of Abraham God called Abraham, son of Terah, from Haran, to leave his father’s house to the land he would show him. God made promises to Abraham. He promised to make him a great nation, a blessing, and a great name. He also promised to bless those that blessed him and to curse those that cursed him. He said that all the families of the earth would be blessed through him
The purposes of God’s call
God our heavenly father has different purposes for calling his children. God calls us to be useful to him and to other human beings. He called Samson to save the Israelites from the hand of the Philistines. He called Joseph so that he could be useful to Pharaoh and his generation. God calls us so that he can bless us. Abraham was called out of his father’s house so that he could be blessed by God. God calls us so that we can be free from bondage. Moses was called by God to deliver the children of Israel out of the hand of the Egyptians. God calls us as messengers of his words. He called Jonah and sent him to Nineveh to preach to the people of Nineveh so that they could repent. God calls us in order to raise generations from us. Abraham was called so that he could become the father of nations.
Right response to God’s call
When God calls us, it is important we listen to his call. It is also important to obey his call. We must not doubt his call. When God calls us, we must have an assurance that his call is for service and blessings. We must not be afraid to do what he asks us to do. We must not give excuse when he calls us. We must respond quickly. Abraham responded to God’s call with faith, obedience and courage. We too must respond in the same way as Abraham did.
Benefits of obedience to God’s call
Obedience to God’s call makes God happy. God blesses those who obey him. When we obey God’s call, the purpose of God’s call will be fulfilled and people will receive great reward. Jesus was by the lake of Gennesaret when the people came to him to hear the word of God. Jesus saw two boats by the lake and the fishermen were not there. He got into one of the boats which was Peter’s. He asked Peter to push a little from the land. Jesus sat and taught the people from the boat. When Jesus finished preaching, he asked, ‘Put out into the deep, and let down your nets for a catch.’ Peter replied, ‘Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.’ Immediately Peter obeyed Jesus’ instruction, their net caught so many fish that the net began to tear and the boat began to sink. They had to call on other fishermen around for help. They helped him pull the net and fish in the boat.
Evaluation:Teacher ask Pupils questions in relation to the topic:
1 Identify two ways God calls people.
2Give three reasons why God calls us.
3 Explain two ways that we can respond to God’s call.
4 Mention two benefits of God’s call.
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