Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 4




TERM: 1ST TERM                           



Learning Objectives; At the end of the lesson; pupils should be able to;

  1. illustrate lines and colours
  2. draw different lines
  • mention the uses of lines


  • Explanatory posters/pictures
  • Explanatory Video

Entry Behaviour: the students have been taught meaning and definition of art.


  • Universal Basic Education Curriculum.
  • NERDC Basic Education Curriculum for primary schools.
  • Lagos State Scheme of work
  • Unified Schemes of Work Primary Schools for Computer Studies (MIDDLE BASIC)
  • Internet Materials.
  • Computer Studies for Primary Schools.



A line is a mark on a surface used with other lines to create a shape. Lines are very important during drawing and painting. They are used to define edges, decorate, and create shadow or space. A line has the quality of being thin or thick, delicate or bold, depending on what is used in making it. There are also different types of lines. There are vertical lines, horizontal lines, diagonal lines and rhythmic lines, which may be wavy, spiral, scrolls or loops.


Examples of lines are:

Thin line Thick line

Vertical line Horizontal line

Diagonal line Spiral line

Wavy line Loop

2. Form: Form is the visible appearance of a thing as it relates to the surrounding space. It is the external outline of an object. So, form is what something looks like.

Forms are of three dimensions and thus can be measured by height, width and depth. In drawing, form is also defined by light and shade. It also helps us to describe an object well.

There are two main kinds of forms.

a) Regular form – which refers to definite forms representing known objects and shapes.

b) Irregular form – refers to strange forms not associated with any known object or shape.

3. Value:  Value is the artist’s term for how dark or light a work or art is, starting from black colour to white. Darker colours are said to be lower in value while lighter colours are said to be higher in value.

4. Texture:

Texture is the surface quality of an object or a work of art. This is determined by the artist that produced such work. There are two types of texture:

a) Tactile texture: This is the actual surface of an object that can be touched.

b) Visual texture: This is our view of a surface texture as seen in a photograph.


Uses of elements of design

The elements of design work together to produce a good work of art.

However, lines and colours have particular uses we need to mention here.

1 a) Lines are used to express movement and emotion.

  1. b) They have the quality of creating a good sense of directions.
  2. c) Lines help to create the shape of objects.
  3. d) Lines can be used to create decorative designs.

2 a) Colour adds to the beauty of environments.

  1. b) It can be used to create and enhance movement.
  2. c) It is also a good means of communicating different moods and ideas.

d) When added to drawings, colours make drawings look like real life pictures.

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