Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 3

Components of the computer system unit I&II

WEEK 9&10




TOPIC: Components of the computer system unit 1&11

Subbtitle: Disk Drive

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this this lesson,pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify floppy disk
  2. Describe floppy diskette
  3. Describe the size of floppy diskette
  4. Differentiate between 5th and 3rd diskette
  5. Explain grade 3�/� of diskette
  6. Explain and demonstrate the care of diskette.

Resources and materials:

Scheme of work

Online information

Instructional material:



Pictures/charts of disk drive and the types of disk drive

Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.



Named for the media disks that could be pulled out and that would 'flop' when carried. These disks are designed to allow users to store data to a disk, remove it and carry the data elsewhere. These typically come in one of two formats in the United States: 3.5" @1.44Mbytes and 5.25" at 1.22 Mbytes. There are a few proprietary types as well, such as Zip drives, DAT tapes etc.


Diskette stores data and information typedinto the computer. These data and information are used when needed. Diskettes are also used to take information from one computer to theother.

There are two types of diskettes:





The 3�/� diskette is smaller than the 5�/�diskette.Many more people like to use the 3 diskette than the 5 diskette. The 3 diskette also storesmore information than the 5 diskette.

When we need to know what is stored in the diskette, we put it in the disk drive. The disk drive is on the system unit.

Since the two types of diskettes are of different sizes, there are also different disk drives for each type of diskette.

The 5�/⁴ disk drive is for 5�/⁴diskettes. It is at theupper part of the system unit.

The 3�/� disk drive is for 3�/� diskettes. It is at thelower part of the system unit. The 3�/� disk drive is

smaller than the 5�/⁴ disk drive.

In addition to the 5�/⁴ and 3�/� disk drives, there are also the CD ROM disk drive and the hard disk drives on the system unit. The CD ROM disk can be seen from outside while the hard disk drive is inside the system unit


1. Do not play with your diskette like a toy. This will damage the tape inside and this tape

2. Do not put your diskette near a hot object or surface.

3. Do not bend your diskette.

4. Keep all diskettes in a dry and safe place

Strategies& Activities:

Step 1: Teacher revises the previous topic.

Step 2: Teacher introduces the new topic.

Step 3: Teacher explains the new topic.

Step 4: Teacher welcomes pupils questions.

Step 5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.

Assessment & Evaluation:

1. Identify floppy disk

2. Describe floppy diskette

3. Describe the size of floppy diskette

4. Differentiate between 5th and 3rd diskette

5. Explain grade 3�/� of diskette

6. Explain and demonstrate the care of diskette.

WRAP UP(CONCLUSION): Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.

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