Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 3

National consciousness

WEEK 8&9

Subject: Civic Education

Class: Primary 3

Term: 3rd Term

Topic: National Consciousness

Subtopic:� Patriotism as a national identify

Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able� to:

  1. Explain the meaning of patriotism
  2. Explain reasons for patriotism

Resources & materials: Scheme of work.

9 years curriculum

Pupils textbook

Online resources


Picture of soldiers

Building Background/ connection to prior knowledge: Pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.


Wh�t is p�triotism?

P�triotism me�ns loving your country �nd being willing to defend it �g�inst its enemies whenever there is the need.

Why should we be p�triotic?

  1. To promote the development of the country: We must show our love for our country by doing �ll we c�n to m�ke it � better pl�ce. For ex�mple, � p�triotic child should not throw litter on the ro�d, �s this will m�ke our country dirty �nd ugly. This litter could eventu�lly block the dr�ins �nd c�use flooding.
  2. To promote unity: By �greeing to work together �s brother �nd sisters, we promote unity in our country. For ex�mple people from different ethnic groups �nd of different religions should see themselves first �s Nigeri�ns.
  3. To help our country benefit from our knowledge �nd skills We should use our knowledge �nd skills to improve our country.
  4. To ensure th�t the resources of the country �re fully �nd properly used. For ex�mple, Nigeri�n soils are good for f�rming. We should produce more food so th�t life will be betterfor everyone. We should �lso use the miner�l resources to improve our n�tion.


The Teacher revises the previous week lesson.

The Teacher introduces the new topic.

The Teacher explains the note in details.

The Teacher gives room for pupils to ask questions.

The Teacher evaluates the pupils.


  1. Explain the meaning of patriotism
  2. explain reasons for patriotism


Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding.


1. Wh�t is n�tion�l identity?

2. Mention three elements of n�tion�l identity.

3. Give three re�sons why Nigeri�ns should be p�triotic.

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