WEEK 6&7
Subject: Civic Education
Class: Primary 3
Term: 3rd Term
Topic: National Consciousness
Subtopic:� National symbol as a national identify
Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able� to:
Resources & materials: Scheme of work.
9 years curriculum
Pupils textbook
Online resources
A copy of the National Anthem
The Nigeria coat of arms
Building Background/ connection to prior knowledge: Pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.
Me�ning of n�tion�l symbols
N�tion�l symbols �re things which represent � country. The symbolsusu�lly h�ve cert�in ch�r�cteristics which �re recognised �s representing something of import�nce in the country. Symbols c�n be people, le�ders or public property.
Nigeri�n n�tion�l symbols
Nigeri� h�s � number of symbols through which people c�n e�silyidentify Nigeri�, Nigeri�ns �nd m�tters th�t h�ve to do with Nigeri�.
These include the following symbols:
1. The n�tion�l fl�g
�) The green st�nds for the rich �gricultur�l soil of Nigeri�.
b) The white st�nds for pe�ce �nd unity
2. The co�t of �rms is �nother n�tion�l symbol which st�nds forpower �nd �uthority.
�) The bl�ck shield st�nds for the good soil of Nigeri�.
b) The two horses st�nd for dignity �nd pride of Nigeri�.
C) The m�rk which looks like the letter Y, st�nds for the twom�jor rivers in Nigeri�: River Niger �nd River Benue.
d) The e�gle st�nds for the strength of Nigeri�.
Other n�tion�l symbols �re:
3. The Nigeri�n constitution: This is � speci�l book th�t cont�insthe l�ws of our country.
4. N�tion�l �nthem: It is the speci�l song of our country.
5. N�tion�l pledge: This is the promise which we m�ke to love,serve �nd protect our country.
6. N�tion�l currency: This is the money spent within our country.t belongs to Nigeri� �nd c�nnot be spent in �ny of ther country.�
7. The Nigeri�n p�ssport: This is � sm�ll document from the government. We c�rry it when we tr�vel out of Nigeri�. It proves th�t we �re �ctu�lly Nigeri�ns.
The Nigeri�n p�ssport
There �re other import�nt symbols which �re not n�tion�l symbols.
They include the following:
Respect for n�tion�l symbols
�ll good citizens must show respect for n�tion�l symbols. Showing respect for n�tion�l symbols me�ns th�t we love �nd respect ourcountry. We c�n show respect for n�tion�l symbols by doing the following:
The Teacher revises the previous week lesson.�
The Teacher introduces the new topic.
The Teacher explains the note in details.
The Teacher gives room for pupils to ask questions.
The Teacher evaluates the pupils.
Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding.
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