Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 3



Subject: Mathematics

Class: Primary 3

Term: 1st Term

Topic: Fractions

Subtitle: Division of� whole shapes and objects into parts

Learning Objectives:At the end of this this lesson,pupils should be able to:

  1. state fraction of a group of concrete objects.
  2. divide shapes into �, 1/3, � etc.

Resources and materials:

Scheme of work

Online information

Instructional material: charts

Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.


Meaning of fractions

A fraction is one or more parts of a whole, which is divided into a number of

equal parts. The upper number is the numerator and is the part of the equally divided parts of a whole, the number own is the denominator and is� equally divided parts of a whole.

⅟2means 1 part out of a whole, which is divided into 2 equal parts.

⅟4means 1 part out of a whole, which is divided into 4 equal parts.

3∕4means 3 parts out of a whole, which is divided into 4 equal parts.

2/3- the upper number is the numerator, the lower number is the denominator


Strategies& Activities:

Step 1: Teacher revises the previous topic.

Step 2: Teacher introduces the new topic.

Step 3: Teacher explains the new topic.

Step 4: Teacher welcomes pupils questions.

Step 5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.

Assessment & Evaluation:

WRAP UP(CONCLUSION) Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.


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