Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 2

Behavior and sounds of animals


SUBJECT:�BASIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY � ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� � � � � �


Week: Six

Topic: Behavior and sounds of animals

Duration: 40 minutes�

Previous knowledge: Pupils have been taught some fundamental things about animals�

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ;

  1. Describe how some animals feed
  2. List the ways some animals move
  3. Write the sound different animals make.

Instructional� material: Charts or pictures of animal, live animals, insects�

Reference material: Longman Basic Scienceand Technology for Primary Schools UBE edition by P. Asun



All �nim�ls e�t food. The food they e�t m�y be different. Some animals feed on b�n�n�, some animals eat be�ns, some c�ss�v�, some eat chick, some eat gr�ss, some feed on m�ize, some eat le�f, some eat r�t while fishes eat worm.


All �nim�ls c�n move. A go�t c�n w�lk �nd it c�n �lso run. A snail can crawl. A fish can swim. A bird can fly. A grasshopper can hop. A lion can walk and can also run and an insect can fly�

Sounds of animals�

Animals make different sound. The sound is a means of communication between them ams it is referred to as animal language. Below is the list of some animals� and the sounds they make:-

  1. A Bird sings
  2. A Lion roars
  3. A Snake hisses�
  4. A Parrot talks�
  5. A Cock crows��
  6. A Goat bleats�
  7. A Cat meows�


Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic

Step II: Teacher inroduces the new topic "Behaviour and sounds of Animals "

Step III: Teacher lists and explains th behaviour and sounds of animals� .

Step IV: Teacher explains further with relevant examples

Step V: Pupils contribute and ask questions�


  1. Mention two behaviour of animals.

Conclusion: Teacher concludes the lesson by evaluating the students and gives an assignment


Answer the following questions�

  1. A Goat�

����������� - It e�ts (me�t, gr�ss)

����������� - It h�s (eight, four, two) legs.

  1. A grasshopper

����������� - It h�s (ten, six, two) legs.

����������� - It moves by (hopping, swimming).

  1. A Fish�

����������� - The body is covered with (h�ir, fe�thers, sc�les).
����������� - It lives in (soil, w�ter, gr�ss)

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