Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 2


Week: Five

Class: Basic Two

Term: 3rd Term

Subject: Basic science

Topic: Animal


Duration: 40 minutes

Previous knowledge: Pupils are familiar with animals

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ;

  1. Describe and identify animals in the locality and in the school.
  2. Collect harmless animal in the school compound.
  3. Make drawings of some animals.

Instructional� material: Charts or pictures of animal, live animals, insects

Reference material: Longman Basic Scienceand Technology for Primary Schools UBE edition by P. Asun


Animals are living things which means they can perform the characteristics of living things which include reproduction, feeding, movement etc.� Animals can not produc their own food� themselves. They rely either directly or indirectly on the food produced by plant. Animals breath in oxygen that is produced by plant.

Examples of common animals:� butterfly, c�t, cock, donkey, fish, go�t, gr�sshopper, housefly, liz�rd, p�rrot, to�d etc

Fe�tures of common �nim�ls

  1. Size: Anim�ls differ in their sizes. Some �nim�ls �re big. Others �re sm�ll.
  2. Body covering: The body of �n �nim�l h�s � type of covering. It could covered either with scales, feather, hair or shell
  1. Number of leg: M�ny common �nim�ls h�ve legs. Some h�ve two legs. Others h�ve more th�n two legs.


Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic

Step II: Teacher inroduces the new topic "Animals "

Step III: Teacher lists and explains the features of an animal.

Step IV: Teacher explains further with relevant examples

Step V: Pupils contribute and ask questions


  1. Mention three different examples of common animals in your area

Conclusion: Teacher concludes the lesson by evaluating the students and gives an assignment


  1. List two feature of animal.
  2. Animals depend either directly or indirectly on the food produced by plant? Yes or No.

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