Week: Four
Class: Basic Two
Term: 3rd Term
Subject: Basic science
Topic: Uses of Plant
Duration: 40 minutes
Previous knowledge: Pupils have been taught the elementary things about plant
Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ;
Instructional� material: Specimen of local plant, work book and text book
Reference material: Longman Basic Scienceand Technology for Primary Schools UBE edition by P. Asun
Uses of plant
Pl�nts �re very useful to us in m�ny w�ys. We c�n m�ke m�ny things from pl�nts for our use.
Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic
Step II: Teacher inroduces the new topic " Uses of a Plant "
Step III: Teacher lists and explains the uses of a plant
Step IV: Teacher explains further with relevant examples
Step V: Pupils contribute and ask questions
Conclusion: Teacher concludes the lesson by evaluating the students and gives an assignment
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