Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 2

The ways of preventing intake of harmful substance

Week: Nine

Subject: Social Studies

Term: 1st Term

Class: Primary 2

Topic:� The ways of preventing intake of harmful substance

Previous knowledge: Students have learnt about harmful substances

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

  1. Mention ways of preventing the intake of harmful substances

Instructional� material:� pictures, chart and real objects of harmful substances in their environment.

Reference material: Learn Africa Basic Social Studies with Security Education for primary schools by B.J Obebe and others


Ways of preventing intake of harmful substances

Ways of preventing or avoiding intake of harmful substances include:

  1. Avoid taking expired food or drug.
  2. Avoid eating food that are not cooked well.
  3. Do not eat unripe fruits.
  4. Take only drugs that are prescribed by the doctor.
  5. Avoid eating sour foods.
  6. Do not pick up food on the floor and eat.
  7. Avoid alcohol and cigarette.


Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic

Step II: Teacher introduces the new topic " Ways of preventing the intake of harmful substances "

Step III: Teacher mentions and explains the way of preventing the intake of harmful substances

Step IV: Teacher explains further with relevant examples.

Step V: Pupils make relevant contribution


  1. Mention five (5) sources of harmful substances in your environment.
  2. Mention two (2) harmful effects of taking alcohol

Conclusion: Teacher concludes the lesson by summarising the topic.


  1. Mention two ways of preventing the intake of harmful substances.

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