Week: Four
Class: Basic Two
Term: 1st Term
Subject: Basic Technology
Topic: Local instruments that produce sounds
Previous knowledge: Students are familiar with instruments that produce sounds
Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
Instructional� material: Bamboo stem, pawpaw stalk, knife, string
Reference material: Longman Basic Science and Technology for Primary Schools UBE edition by P. Asun
Local instrument that produce sounds
Local musical instruments are objects put together in the locality to produce music
There are many local instrument in Nigeria that can produce sound. This include:-
Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step II: Teacher inroduces the new topic "Local instrument that produce sound"
Step III: Teacher explains the meaning of local instrument
�Step IV: Teacher states and explains examples of local instruments
Step V: Pupils make relevant contribution
Conclusion: Teacher concludes the lesson by evaluating the students and gives an assignment
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