Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Junior Secondary School 2







  • Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS 2 by F.N.O Quarcoopome et’ tal.
  • Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS 2 by Adedeyinkae’tal
  • Ilesanmi Christian Religious Studies for JSS 2 by TundeErumeobee’tal
  • Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS 1-3, by A.F Bello.
  • Revised Standard Version (R.S.V.) Bible










  • Jesus Calls the First Four Disciples Matthew 4: 18-22; Mark 1:14-20; Luke 5:1-11
  • Jesus Calls the Twelve Disciples/Apostles Mark 3: 13-19
  • The Demands of Disciples. Matthew 8:18-27, Luke 9: 59-63, Luke 14:25-33


Jesus calls the first four disciples Matthew 4: 18-22; Mark 1:14-20; Luke 5:1-11

Jesus went to the shore of Lake Genesarret to preach the gospel. He went aboard a boat and pushed out a little from the shore, where the audiences stood facing him. He sat down and taught the people from the boat. When he finished teaching, he asked Simon, who owns the boat, to push out his net into the deep water for the catch. Simon replied that he and his companion had worked all night and caught nothing but at Jesus’ word, he would let down the net.


And when Peter did, they caught an enormous shoal of fish. It was so big that their nets began to tear. Thus, they signaled their partners, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, in the other boat, to come and help them. They came and both boats were filled to a sinking point. Simon was so surprised that he fell at the feet of Jesus and asked Jesus to depart away from him because he, Peter, was a sinful man. Jesus told him that he should not be afraid, adding that Simon will now be catching men. Simon and his partners brought their boats ashore. They left everything and followed Jesus. The others were Andrew, James and John.



Narrate the call of the first four disciples.


The call of the twelve Disciples/Apostles Mark 3:13-1

Jesus selects His disciples Matt 4: 18-22; 9: 9, Mark 3: 13-19

Jesus chose twelve disciples to be with him and to assist him in preaching the gospel. He called them one by one and told them that he would make them fishers of men. They immediately left their jobs and followed him. Some of them were fishermen, while some were tax collectors.  Four of them were referred to as member of the inner circle. This is because they were specially close to him. They were Simon Peter, Matthew, James and John sons of Zebedee.


When Jesus was on a mountain, he called the men of his choice after healing some people in Galilee. Out of these men, he selected twelve as his immediate companions and friends. These he wanted to send out to proclaim his message, the gospel, with the authority to drive out demons and heal all kinds of diseases. 

These twelve are as follows:

  1. Simon Peter 
  2. James
  3. John
  4. Simon the Canaanites
  5. Andrew
  6. Philip
  7. Bartholomew
  8. Thomas
  9. Thaddeus
  10. Matthew
  11. James the son ofAlphaeus
  12. Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him


They all willingly responded to the call of the master without excuse, the most important qualification Jesus sough for was willingness and self-denial. We learn a lesson here to be obedient to the call of God. 

These twelve were to be his messengers, who will carry the message of Christ to all parts of the world and to all people. In the Acts of the Apostles, these disciples were referred to as apostles. After the death of Judas, following his betrayal of Jesus, Matthias was elected as the twelfth apostle.



Mention the twelve disciples.


The Demands of Discipleship  Luke 9:57-63; 14:25-33 

To be a disciple of Jesus has its demands and obligations. Jesus’ encounter with three would-be disciples shows the cost of being a disciple of Jesus. To the one who voluntarily told Jesus would follow him, Jesus told him that birds and foxes have holes but he, the son of man, had no home. Another one who decided to follow him asked for a time to say farewell to his relations. Jesus told him that anyone who put his hands on the plough and look back was not fit for the Kingdom. The one whom he invited to follow him requested to be allowed to go and bury his father. Jesus told him to let the dead bury the dead.


There was a time many people were following Jesus. He turned and told them that any would-be follower who did not love him more than his father, mother, wife, children, family and even his own self could not be his disciple. Jesus concluded that no one could be his disciple, unless he or she was ready to give up everything he or she had.



  1. Mention six disciples of Christ.
  2. Explain the demands of discipleship.
  3. Mention the first five books of the Old Testament.
  4. State the last five books of the New Testament.



  • Ilesanmi Christian Religiuos Studies for JSS Bk 2 by TUndeErumeoba et all
  • Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS bk 2 by I.O Adeyemo
  • Christian Religious Education for JSS bk 2 by Adeyinka et al
  • Fundamentals of Christian Religious Studies, Basic Eight by A.E. Osubele et al, pgs 22-23.



  1. Who was referred to as the tax collector among the twelve disciples (a) Andrew (b) Matthew (c) Peter (d) James
  2. Who among the disciples betrayed Jesus Christ? (a) Simon Peter (b) John (c) Judas Iscariot (d) Philip
  3. How many disciples were they in number? (a) 12 (b) 10 (c) 15 (d) 20
  4. The following are part of the first four disciples of Jesus except____. (a). Philip (b). Andrew (c). James (d). John
  5. Jesus was _____ years old when he began to teach and preach (a) 30 (b) 33 (c) 40 (d) 25



  1. What is the third temptation according to St. Matthew’s gospel?
  2. Write the names of six out of the twelve disciples.

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