Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Junior Secondary School 2









  1. Meaning of Discipline
  2. Features or characteristics of discipline
  3. Importance of discipline in a society


Meaning of Discipline

Discipline is the ability to train people to control their behaviour according  to laid down principles, rules and regulations.  It can also be defined as act of training body and mind to produce self control. This extends to obeying traffic rules and regulations, the constitution, our superior authorities, etc.



What is discipline?


Features or Characteristics of Discipline

These are:

  1. Dedication
  2. Moderation 
  3. Modesty
  4. Perseverance
  5. Respect for legitimate authority.


  1. Dedication:  This is the habit of sticking to a set goal or plan.  It also means no break of focus no matter how difficult the situation may be.  The ability to stay dedicated to a given plan helps us to achieve greatness in life.
  2. Moderation : This means avoiding excesses.  Anybody of discipline is always a moderate person.  He does not over do anything.  That is, he knows where and when to stop in all circumstances.
  3. Perseverance :  Is the ability to continue to do a thing or pursue a goal despite difficulties, pains and discouragement until the desired results is achieved.  A disciplined person always perseveres without minding pains or difficulties.
  4. Respect for legitimate (rightful) authority.  A disciplined person is always a respecter of the laws of the land.  He respects and obeys the constitution of his country and respects all the people occupying position of authority .
  5. Modesty: This attribute of discipline enables a disciplined person to be humble.  He does not boast of his achievement, status or position in life.



Mention four features of discipline.


Importance of Discipline In a Society

  1. Encouragement of Peace:  When rules and regulations are obeyed in the society peace will reign
  2. It fosters or encourages unity: It makes people to work together in unity
  3. Fosters economic and political development. With discipline every one in the society tries to engage in one activity or the other in order to earn a living in a rightful way i.e all employable persons try to contribute to national income and economic growth.
  4. It fosters political stability: this is done in the area if free and fair election, obedience to legitimate government and political stability of the country.
  5. It fosters good health for individual and the society.  If we are in our regular physical exercise our health will improve to the benefits of the society.
  6. It saves time:  In our highways, the time the nation wastes due to traffic congestions could be avoided if every driver exercises patience and discipline.



  1. State four importance of discipline in a society.
  2. Mention four features of discipline.
  3. What is dishonesty?
  4. Mention four consequences of dishonesty.



Fundamental of Civic Education for Basic 8 by Sola Akinyemi pgs 24-27



  1. ______ is NOT an attribute of discipline.
  2. Moderation         B. Respect for legitimate authority    C. Dedication
  3. ______ is the ability to train people to control their behaviour according to laid down principle. A. Contentment B. Probity        C. Discipline    D. Dedication
  4. Discipline is the pillar of societal peace and harmony?

    A . Yes        B. Yes and No        C. I don’t thinks so    D. None of the above

  1. Discipline covers all aspects of life?
  2. Yes     B. No            C. Yes and No        D. None of the above
  3. _______ attribute of discipline demands that a disciplined person should be humbled.
  4. Extravagance B. Respect for legitimate authority C. Perseverance D.  Modesty



  1. Define discipline. 
  2. List three aspects of discipline that will help a student to succeed.

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