Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Junior Secondary School 2

Speechwork: Revision of Vowel Sounds





  1. Oral English for Schools and Colleges (Revised Edition) by San Onugbo, M.A. Ife
  2. Basic English Book 4 HarbensKaur
  3. Silver Burdett English Centennial Edition by Betty G. Gray et al
  4. Contemporary English Grammar by JayanthuDakshina Murthy, ed by Indu mala Ghosh et al.
  5. Exam  Focus English for JSCE by Bolajiaremo et al.
  6. Evans Effective English JSS 2 Revised Edition by Michael Montgomery et al.
  7. New Oxford Secondary English Corse book for JS 2 by Ayo Banjo et al.
  8. New Student’s Companioned by Chris Talbot.




  1. Speechwork; Revision of Vowel Sounds
  2. Grammar: Revision of Parts of Speech: Nouns, Pronouns,Verbs, Adjectives
  3. Comprehension: The Hippopotamus Part 1
  4. Writing: Writing an Outline for a Narrative
  5. Literature In English: Figures of Speech


  1.   Speechwork: Revision of Vowel Sounds

Content: Vowel Sounds.

There are forty-four sound segments in English comprising twenty vowels and twenty- four consonants.


The production of vowel sounds take place as the air stream flows from the lungs to the mouth without any obstruction.


The vowel in English is classified into two main groups: pure vowels also called monophthongs and diphthongs. The monophthongs are further sub – divided into short vowels and long vowels.

A list of monophthongs /pure vowels

  1. /i:/ as in seat, key, chief, people, mete, quay
  2. /I/ as in sit, pretty, women, village, enough, waited
  3. /e/ as in pen, head, any, bury, ferry, bread, rest
  4. /әe/ as in cap, had, hand, plan, tank, sad, mat
  5. /a:/ as in hard, father, heart, path, dark, far, arm
  6. /D/ or/Ɔ/ as in cot, cock, wash, clock, hot, lot, shop
  7. /Ɔ:/ as in court, fork, cork, tall, law, bought, fore
  8. /Ʊ/ as in good, foot, cook, book, should, woman
  9. /u:/ as in moon, rude, loose, lose, soup, flute, juice
  10. /˄/ as in sun, mother, come, cup, fun, money, but
  11. /3:/ as in firm, bird, first, shirt, skirt, term, serve
  12. /ә/ as in allow, above, around, doctor, sister, alive, forget, religious


A list of diphthongs

  1. /ei/ as in play, rake, pale, state, cake, day, wake
  2. /ai/ as in pie, my, height, plight, mite, bright
  3. /ͻi/ as in oil, boy, buoy, toil, foil, noise, joy
  4. /әu/ as in go, hoe, home, no, know, coat, goat, rose
  5. /au/ as in house, now, cloud, rowdy, brow, howl
  6. /iә/ as in fear, cheer, beer, idea, serious, here, near
  7. /eә/ as in pair, air, hair, bare, there, fare, bare, chair
  8. /uә/ as in tour, moon, poor, pure, sure, lure



Write five different words that have each of the sounds treated above.


Reading Assignment: Exam Focus English JSSCEpg 143 – 145


  1.   Grammar: Revision of Some Parts of Speech

Content: Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adjectives.

As the body of a person has different works or functions, so a sentence is made up of different words performing different functions. Each word is named according to the function it performs in a sentence.


A noun is a naming word which names people, things, animal, places and ideas e.g. Ade, boy, man, girl, Bisi, woman, child, chief, king, princess, ant, goat, London, school, church, beauty, anger, empathy etc.

Agirl was looking for her book.

The book is on the table.

A pronoun replaces a noun in a sentence to avoid repetition e.g she, he, they, we, them, us, her, it, you, herself, whom, that, why etc. She is a good student. I love my dog.


An adjective qualifies a noun, i.e. it tells us more about a noun. E.g beautiful, ugly, emotional, tall, old, fantastic etc.


A beautiful woman.

She is beautiful. 

An unkempt hair

Verbs are words that tell the action of the nouns which are usually the subject or objects of the sentence. e.g beat, sleep, sing, talk, jump, dance, has, have, does, may etc. I talk a lot. She dances well.


Evaluation: Name the different parts of speech and give three examples each.


Reading Assignment: Exam Focus English JSCE p. 41-69


  1. Topic: Comprehension

Content: Why the Hippo Lives in Water Part 1

This passage discusses the reason why Isantim (hippopotamus) lives in water.



Answer the questions which accompany the passage page 21. Effective English J SS 2p 22- 23


  1. D. Topic: Writing

Content: Narrative Essay

A narrative essay is an essay that tells or recounts a story, event or an incident. The past tense is used in this type of essay.


  1. Title
  2. Body ( introductory paragraph, paragraphs by points, concluding paragraph)


Writing an Outline for How I Spent My Last Holiday:


  • When the holiday started
  • Your feelings towards the holiday i.e happy, unhappy
  • Places of interest you visited
  • Remarkable things you did or achieved during the holiday
  • Conclusion



Evaluation: In not less than 250 words, write a meaningful account of how you spent your last holiday.


Reading Assignment: Exam Focus English JSCE p.15-16


  1. Literature: Figures of Speech

Content: Personification, Hyperbole, Paradox, Irony, Alliteration.

Figures of speech refer to expressions used in a special way for a concise and forceful effect.


  • Personification; inanimate objects are treated as human beings. E.gMy car is coughing. The trees are waving. The sun is smiling.
  • Hyperbole: is an overstatement or exaggeration for emphasis or a satirical effect. E.g I will fly to the moon to prove my love for you.


I can eat a mountain bowl of Eba.

I saw a sea of blood at the accident scene.


  • Paradox: contains two opposite ideas which make it seem impossible but possible after deep consideration e.g. The child is the father of the man.


More haste, less speed.

Nigeria’s unity lies in her diversity.


  • Irony: stating the direct opposite of one’s intention or getting the exact opposite of one’s expectation. E .g: You must be very clever for scoring 20%  in your examination.


Chief Bigo is so wealthy that he can even take from a beggar.


  • Alliteration: is the repetition of the same consonant sounds in sequence. 




bothboy and ball

“Orunmila”makemy medicine potent.


Evaluation: Write out two examples of each figure of speech explained.


Reading assignment: Exam Focus English JSSE Page 157 – 158.



Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs.

  1. The worst of the problems ______ been dealt with.
  2. The boy likes sisters to _______ active in sport
  3. Most of the waiter in our town _______ from the nearly dam.
  4. Neither she nor her brother _______ gone to school
  5. A number of boys from that school _____ going to camp.



Fill in the blank space with the most appropriate option from the list given in the bracket.

  1. The man sells many books and ____in his book shop. ( many stationary, a stationary, much stationary)
  2. The storm did _____damage to the house. (a, an, much)
  3. The principal has bought ______ for the science laboratory. ( equipment, much equipment)
  4. He eats ______ every day. ( egg, eggs, egg)
  5. Dr. Bowen is _____ European but Mr. Woois ______ American. (an/an, a/a, a/an)
  6. He worked for ______ hour. ( a , an, many)



Effective English J S 2 Practice 2 page 26


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