Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Junior Secondary School 1

Notables Notes and Common Abbreviation.





Week Nine

Topic: Notables Notes and Common Abbreviation.


  • -� Notable Notes
  • -� Common Abbreviation
  • -� Important Event before Independence�
  • -� Important Political Events since Independence

Notable Notes

OAU��� ��� -��� Organization of African Unity was founded May 1963.� Its headquarters is in Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

UBE��� ��� -��� Universal Basic Education

UN��� ��� -��� United Nations

NAFDAC��� -��� National Agency For Food, Drug Administration and Control.

INEC��� ��� -��� Independent National Electoral Commission

KAI��� ��� -��� Kick Against Indiscipline

WHO��� ��� -��� World Health Organisation�

FERMA��� -��� Federal Road Maintenance Agency

NLC��� ��� -��� Nigeria Labour Congress

NBA��� ��� -��� Nigeria Bar Association

ILO��� ��� -��� International Labour Organisation�

IMF��� ��� -��� International Monetary Fund

OPEC��� ��� -��� Organisation of Petroleum Expository Countries

PH.D��� ��� -��� Doctor of Philosophy

GMT��� ��� -��� Greenwich Meridian Time

P.M��� ��� -��� Post Meridian

A.M��� ��� -��� Ante Meridian

Important Event Before Independence

1859��� ��� -� ��� The first newspaper in Nigeria, Iwe Iroyin was established.

1914��� ��� -��� The North and Southern Protectorates were amalgamated to form Nigeria (Nigeria was born.

10th June 1956 -��� Crude oil was discovered in Oloibiri in the present Bayelsa State.

1959��-��� The first pre-national election was held that brought Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa of

Northern People Congress as Governor.

Importance Political Events Since Independence

  1. 1st October 1960 Nigeria became an independent country.
  2. 1st October 1963 Nigeria became a Republic Mid Western Region was created
  3. 22nd May 1973- NYSC was created.
  4. 9th May 1987 -� Chief Obafemi Awolowo died.
  5. 12th December 1986 – Professor Wole Soyinka became the first African to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.
  1. 4th-8th October 2003. all African Games (COJA) was held in Abuja
  2. 29thMarch 2006-� Nigeria witnessed eclipse of the sun across the country.


  1. What is the full meaning of Ph.D, OPEC, GMT.?
  2. When did Nigeria become independent?

Weekend Assignment

  1. When did Nigeria became independent?
  2. 1st October 1960 ��� B.2nd April, 1906��� C. 1st November 1970��� D. 4th April 2001.
  3. GMT means : A. Greenwich Meridian Time ��� B. Good Morning Teacher
  4. ��� God Moving Time��� ��� ��� D. None of the above
  5. Petroleum was first discovered in commercial quantity in ________.
  6. Lagos ��� ��� B. Oloibiri Bayelsa State��� C.Oyo, Ibadan � D. Akure Ondo State
  7. The Northern and Southern Protectorate was amalgamated on
  8. 1st October, 1960 ��� B. 1st October 1963��� ��� C. January, 1914��� D. 27th May 2012
  9. Where is the Headquarters of Organisation of African Unity? A.Ikeja��� ��� ��� ��� B. Ibadan��� ��� ��� C. Onikan��� ��� D. Addis Ababa


  1. Write the full meaning of
  2. NAFDAC��� ��� ii. INEC��� ��� iii. Who��� iv. NBA��� v. KAI

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