Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Junior Secondary School 1







  1. Effective English Text Book. J.S.S1 . Michael Montgomery et al.
  2. Count Down English. Revised Edition. O. Ogunsanwo et al.
  3. Creative and Guided Composition for Senior Classes. C.O Odetola






Trees are important plants that have improved life through the provision of essential necessities. These needs make them valuable and contribute to benefits of planting them. Treesprovide a foundation to life. During photosynthesis, trees facilitate the breakdown of food materials in the presence of carbon dioxide and sunlight to produce carbohydrates. The carbohydrates promote the growth of food consumed by both humans such as apples and oranges and animals such as elephants, giraffes among other. They also support life by providing wood and charcoal utilized as sources of fuel and provision of timber used to provide housing. Moreover, trees support life by providing habitat to different species such as bees, birds, and squirrels.

Trees battle climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide produced in various processes in the environment and releasing oxygen to the environment. The oxygen serves to improve the quality of air thereby regulating the climate. Trees also control the climate by restraining the occurrence of the sun, rain, and wind. The trees do so by cooling the environments through their leaves absorbing beaming of the sun, cooling the atmosphere and preserving warmth when harsh winds occur. Trees lower the air temperature by regulating the intensity of the heat through minimizing the levels of carbon dioxide produced. Additionally, they lower temperatures by providing shade to homes and streets and by releasing water vapor into the atmosphere that reduces the heat generated.


Trees clean the air by absorbing odors, harmful chemicals such as nitrogen oxides and removing dust and sifting particles from the air and trapping them in their leaves and bark. Trees provide enough oxygen for breathing to the world by absorbing the carbon dioxide in the environment and producing oxygen. Trees growing on one acre of land are estimated to consume six tons of carbon dioxide and produce four tons of oxygen beneficial to about eighteen people in a year. Trees sustain the ecosystem through their roots by preventing soil erosion during floods through holding the soil in place.


Planting of trees saves water. When it rains, the trees soak up and stores water in their surrounding soil preventing water runoff thus, providing sufficient water. Also, they save water through tree shades slowing the process of water evaporation to the atmosphere. Trees prevent water pollution by breaking the direct fall of rainfall to the ground thereby allowing water to flow down to the trunk of the tree. Consequently, the breaking of rainfall facilitates the filtering of water, preventing the carrying of pollutants deposited on ground surfaces to water bodies.

Planting of trees creates economic opportunities. Jobs such as fruit harvesting, tree mulching and watering, building, furniture construction and production of materials such as books and paper are created. Trees provide economic benefits. When planted adjacent to buildings and housing, they reduce the need for air conditioning by 40percent by cooling the environment and cleansing the air in the surrounding. Trees also provide value to properties. The presence of trees and adequately maintained landscapes boosts the cost of property by up to 20 percent. Trees also save on the cost incurred in energy by cooling the environment through tree shades and heating the environment by trees minimizing the cooling effects of winds.


Trees help to heal, relax and reduce blood pressure. Due to their infinite shapes, forms, sizes and multiple colors, they help to boost people’s moods and relax them.


EVALUATION:  Study the article  above and map out cogent points as basis for your own essay.


LITERATURE:  Use recommended text on drama



  1. Simile: You are dark as charcoal

Metaphor: You are a dark charcoal

  1. Simile: Tunde is as sly as a fox

Metaphor: Tunde is simply a fox

  1. Simile: Aremu is a fast as a cheetah on the field

Metaphor: Aremu is a cheetah on the field


EVALUATION: Make more examples of your own



CONTENT: Phonetic Symbols of Consonants

  1. /ʃ/ as in shit, lashes, fish, etc.
  2. /θ/ as in bath, month, anthem, both, etc.
  3. /s/ as in snake, sip, seat, axe, etc.
  4. /z/ as  in zip, zoom, exact, zebra, etc.
  5. /ʒ/ as in pleasure, usual, vision, cohesion, etc.
  6. /h/ as in hit, hat, behave, etc.
  7. /m/ as in man, meat, melt, mud, etc.
  8. /n/ as in now, knock, night, etc.
  9. /l/ as inlow, lack, loom, etc.
  10. /j/ as in you, new, use, etc.
  11. /w/ as in away, well, warm, etc.


EVALUATION:  Give five other examples on each sound.


TOPIC: Comprehension



Aim:  to understand an account of home remedies. Unit 14, page 181


EVALUATION: Read the first part of the passage, then do practice 2.




Polar questions begin with an auxiliary verb or modal verb and are usually, but not always, answered using the same auxiliary/modal verb.


  1. Do you like chocolate? - Yes, I do/No, I don't
  2. Does she speak English? - Yes, she does/No, she doesn't
  3. Are you ready? - Yes, we are/No, we aren't

It is important that students learn to include the modal verb after "yes" or "no" as answering with a simple "yes" or "no" will be taken by a native speaker to indicate that the speaker is either being rude or has no interest in the conversation and the conversation will end abruptly, with both parties feeling mildly offended. Obviously the speaker can omit the "I do" part if (s)he then goes on to say something else immediately afterwards:

Does she speak English? - No, but she's started taking lessons.

Students should also take care to repeat the modal or auxiliary and not the verb. In other words, the answer to the question

Do you like chocolate? is Yes, I do. not * Yes, I like.

Not all questions beginning with Did/Are you...? etc. lead to a simple yes/no answer. One way  of getting students to respond more fully is by asking "either/or" questions, for instance, Did you..., or were you..?



Tag questions are mainly used in order to emphasis the statement of the speaker but a polar question more like a response to a question asked.

EVALUATION: Give answer to the following polar questions.

  1. Are you okay?
  2. Do you like her?



abbreviation             abscess                     absence                      abysmal                            abdicate

aberration                abeyance                 abomination               abrasive                             abscond

abstentious               abstinence                    abyss                         accede                        accentuate

accessory                 acclimatization           accolade                   accelerator                    accessible    accomplice             accessories                 accommodation   accompaniment              accumulate

accurate                  accustomed                     achieve                          accrue               accustom

acrimony                     acumen                      addicted                          adeptadherent


EVALUATION: Study the spellings words above and rewrite.




  • Construct five sentences each to illustrate the various uses of the verbs be, do, have.
  • Construct five sentences each to illustrate the various uses of the verbs shall, will




  1. Effective English. Page 215, Practice 4.
  2. Write a descriptive Essay on your favourite pet.


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