Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Junior Secondary School 1


Date:13th-17th of February 2022

Class: JSS 1

Term: 2nd Term

Week: 6

Subject: Agricultural Science

Topic: Weeds

Duration:45 minutes

Teaching Aid: A chart

Reference Book: WABP Junior secondary Agriculture for Nigerian School 1 by Anthony Youdeowei et al

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of this topic, students should be able to

  1. Define weeds and state its characteristics
  2. Describe the classification of weeds
  3. Mention common weeds found on the farm with their botanical name


Step 1: Teacher revises last topic

Step 2: Teacher introduces and explains new topic

Step 3: Teacher writes note on the board

Step 4: Teacher evaluates students

Step 5: Teacher marks students' notes and give assignment

Previous knowledge: Students have been taught plant forms



A weed is a plant that grows in a place where it is not wanted e.g. a vegetable plant growing on a cassava plot is a weed.


  1. HIGH PRODUCTIVE CAPACITY: Weed posses high productive capacity and are always the first to emerge and grow when necessary condition are provided. They have many seeds. For examples a single grass head may produce thousands of seeds.
  2. HIGH RESISTANCE CAPACITY: They are capable of withstand adverse conditions because of their tough protective seed coats e.g. seeds of some legume
  3. ABILITY TO REGENERATE: Some weeds are capable of regenerating and therefore very difficult to eradicate commelina species, elephant grass and spear grass are examples of weeds that possess this characteristics
  4. EARLY DISPERSED: Weed seeds possess vari I for feeding farm animals e.g. guinea grass, sedge and elephant grass
  5. MEDICINE: Most weeds are medicine. Drug can be extracted from such weeds e.g. lemon grass.
  6. EROSION CONTROL: Weeds are used for control tiny erosion e.g. Bahama grass.
  7. SOURCE OF ORNAMENTAL: Weeds are the major source of ornamental crops e.g. e.g. pride of Barbados, carno lily, rose, croton and hibiscus.


Weeds are grouped in three classes. These include

(i) Annual weed (ii) Biennial weed (iii) Perennial Weed


These are weeds which complete their life cycle in one year. They grow, reach maturity and die within a year. Annual weeds include fridax plant, goat weed, spigelia and so on.


These are weeds that complete their life cycle in two years. The first year is used by the crops to grow and store food. Reproduction and maturity take place in the second year. Example of biennial weeds are wild carrot, yellow rocket.


These are weeds that take more than two years to complete their lifecycle or ripe for harvesting perennial weeds include giant star grass, guinea grass, carpet grass, centxo and tropical kudzu.


COMMON NAME�������������������������� BOTANICAL NAME

  1. Spear grass Imperata Cylindrica
  2. Guinea grass Panicum maximum
  3. Elephant grass Pennisetum purpureum
  4. Wild hemp sida spp
  5. Water leaf Talinum triangulare
  6. Goat weed Ageratum conozoides
  7. Stubborn grass Elaisina indica
  8. W. D. Weed Tridax pubencens
  9. Pig weed Boerhavia
  10. Carpet grass Axonopus compressus
  11. Pigeon pea Cajanus caja
  12. Sensitive plant Mimosa pudica
  13. Witch weed Striga senegalenis

Evaluation: Mention some weed characteristics

Assignment: Mention five other weeds with their botanical names

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