Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Junior Secondary School 1

Healthy Feeding and Eating Practices (I)






  1. Anyakoha, Elizabeth U. Home Economics for Junior Secondary Schools. Onitsha, Nigeria: African First Publishers Limited, 2010.
  2. Olaitan, S. O. & Mbah, C.O. Junior Secondary School Home Economics Book 3. Lagos, Nigeria: West African Book Publishers Limited, 2009.


TOPIC: Healthy Feeding and Eating Practices (I)

  1. Meaning of Food
  2. Food Groups
  3. Functions of Food
  4. Meaning of Good Feeding Habits�
  5. Some Things to Do to Avoid Bad Feeding Habits

  1. Meaning of Food

Food is any eatable material, either solid or liquid, which everybody eats in order to maintain life.


Food is any liquid or solid material which when eaten and digested can provide the body with nourishment.

  1. Food Groups

Foods can be grouped according to the nutrients they contain and the functions they perform in the body. We have body-building foods, energy foods, protective foods, and roughage.

  1. Body-building Foods: These are proteins. They are obtained from meat, fish, eggs, milk, beans, etc.
  2. Energy-giving Foods: These are carbohydrates and fats. Examples of energy-giving foods are starchy foods such as yam, potatoes, cassava, bread, rice, palm oil, groundnut oil, etc.
  3. Protective Foods: These protect the body from diseases. They are vitamins and minerals. Sources include vegetables and fruits.
  4. Roughage: This is an important food item. It is indigestible part of foods such as cellulose. It has the following uses: (i) It increases the bulk of food. (ii) It helps digestion and bowel movement. (iii) It therefore helps to prevent constipation.

  1. Functions of Food
  2. Food provides the body with heat and energy.�
  3. It helps in the growth and repair of body tissues.
  4. It protects the body from diseases.
  5. Roughage in food helps bowel movement and prevents constipation.
  6. Food is necessary for good health and vitality.

  1. Meaning of Good Feeding Habits

Feeding or eating habits are your everyday patterns of eating. Some feeding habits are developed when you are very young. Others habits are from factors in your current life style.�

A good eating habit is the preparation and eating of the food items that will provide the body system with all the nutrients it needs to function. This type of food is called balanced diet. A balanced diet must include proteins, carbohydrates, fats and oils, vitamins, minerals and water in the right proportion in our everyday meals.

  1. Some Things to Do to Avoid Bad Feeding Habits
  2. Do not eat between two meals.
  3. Do not overeat simply because the food is delicious or available.
  4. Do not eat only one item of food such as bread, rice, beans, vegetable and meat all the times. These items should be mixed.
  5. Do not depend solely on fast food and biscuits as complete food for the day. They can serve as lunch pack.
  6. Never wait till you are very hungry before you eat.
  7. Do not take only soft drinks such as coke, fanta as lunch. Drinks should not be taken too frequently.
  8. Avoid overeating of starchy food such as garri or yam. Too much of starchy food items can cause kwashiorkor or pellagra.

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