Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Junior Secondary School 1

Body Posture and Body Exercise






  1. Anyakoha, Elizabeth U. Home Economics for Junior Secondary Schools. Onitsha, Nigeria: African First Publishers Limited, 2010.
  2. Olaitan, S. O. & Mbah, C.O. Junior Secondary School Home Economics Book 3. Lagos, Nigeria: West African Book Publishers Limited, 2009.



TOPIC: Body Posture and Body Exercise


  1. Meaning of Posture, Good Posture and Bad Posture
  2. Importance of Good Posture
  3. Characteristics of Good Posture
  4. Types of Posture
  5. Guidelines for Maintaining Good Posture
  6. Meaning of Exercise
  7. Importance of Exercises to the Body
  8. Suitable Exercises for Some Parts of the Body
  9. Guidelines for Exercising the Body

  1. Meaning of Posture, Good Posture and Bad Posture

What is Posture?

Posture in the way by which one carries his or her body on his or her legs. We have good and bad postures.


Good Posture occurs when one walks and the body and head are carried straight. 

Bad Posture occurs when someone bends or tilts awkwardly as he/she stands, walks or sits.


  1. Importance of Good Posture
  2. Good posture makes us look smart and beautiful.
  3. It makes the dress we wear to fit us perfectly.
  4. It gives us good health.
  5. It helps us to move very fast and smartly.
  6. It reduces fatigue or tiredness in us.
  7. It makes our food digest easily.
  8. It enables us to carry our body weight evenly while either walking, standing, sitting or working.


  1. Characteristics of Good Posture
  2. The body is smart and straight.
  3. The body’s muscles develop uniformly. 
  4. The various parts of the body are very proportional to one onother.
  5. The body is healthy and active at all times.


  1. Types of Posture
  2. Walking posture
  3. Sitting posture
  4. Sleeping posture
  5. Standing posture
  6. Working posture 


  1. Guidelines for Maintaining Good Posture
  2. Exercise regularly.
  3. Observe very sound sleep.
  4. Eat balanced diet always.
  5. Observe relaxation after a hard work.
  6. Avoid use of drugs for slimming or fattening.
  7. Avoid laziness and idleness when there is work to do.
  8. Consciously maintain good posture as a habit.
  9. Avoid over-drinking of alcohol.
  10. Avoid imitation of other people’s style of walking.


    Body Exercise

  1. Meaning of Exercise

Exercise is the way we exert the muscles of the body for the sake of developing and maintaining physical fitness. 

The activities to exert the body may include running, jumping, dancing, singing, walking, climbing, throwing, playing, etc.


  1. Importance of Exercises to the Body
  2. Exercises help to hasten digestion of the food we eat.
  3. Exercises help us remain trim.
  4. They help to strengthen the body for active work – that is, they make the body strong.
  5. Exercises help us to eat well and go to toilet normally.
  6. Exercises help us to breathe well. 
  7. They help the blood to circulate normally in the body.
  8. Exercises help to keep us healthy and make us look smart always.
  9. Exercises help to prolong our life.
  10. Exercises help to make us become mentally alert for learning.
  11. They make us sleep well.


  1. Suitable Exercises for Some Parts of the Body
  2. Exercise to flatten the stomach
  3. Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen
  4. Exercise for trimming the thighs
  5. Exercise for improving waistline
  6. Exercise to improve bust
  7. Exercise to improve the shoulders

Exercise to flatten the stomach

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen

Exercise for trimming the thighs

Exercise for improving waistline

Exercise to improve bust

Exercise to improve the shoulders


  1. Guidelines for Exercising the Body
  2. The rules of exercises must be obeyed.
  3. Wear the correct gear when performing the exercise.
  4. Practise the exercise in a suitable environment.
  5. Use the correct materials and equipment for each exercise.
  6. Follow the instructor’s guide during the exercise.
  7. Avoid exercising immediately after meal.
  8. Keep exercise materials or equipment well for other times.
  9. Practise an exercise to master it.
  10. Treat simple injuries during exercise and report big ones to a qualified medical doctor.

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