Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Junior Secondary School 1

Home Economics and National Development






  1. Anyakoha, Elizabeth U. Home Economics for Junior Secondary Schools. Onitsha, Nigeria: African First Publishers Limited, 2010.
  2. Olaitan, S. O. & Mbah, C.O. Junior Secondary School Home Economics Book 3. Lagos, Nigeria: West African Book Publishers Limited, 2009.



TOPIC: Home Economics and National Development

  1. Career Opportunities in Home Economics
  2. Importance of Home Economics to the Individual, Family and Nation

  1. Career Opportunities in Home Economics

Home Economics prepares boys and girls for home-making and other careers. These opportunities are given below.

Careers in Home Management

1)     Teaching – This career is available in primary and secondary schools, colleges of education, polytechnics, universities and adult education centres.

2)     Extension Worker – This career is available in health centres or hospitals, and in agriculture, especially for women in agricultural business.

3)     Adult Educator – A career available in rural development for women.

4)    Laundry Specialist – Available in health centres, homes and government establishments.

5)    Facility Manager – Available in hotels, schools, government guest houses and industries.

6)    Department Storeman – Available in supermarkets, ware-houses and co-operatives.

7)    Housekeeper – Available in hotels, guest houses and institutions with boarding or hostel facilities.

8)    Interior Decorator – One can be self-employed and provide services for government establishments and companies.

9)    Designer – This career is available in government establishments and companies.

10)    Researcher – Available in higher institutions and government research institutes.

11)    Steward – Available in hotels and guest houses and hostels in higher institutions.

  1. Home Furnishing Specialist – Available in government establishments and companies; also self-employment.
  2. Receptionist – Available in hostels, guest houses and institutions.
  3. Nurse – Available in hospitals, day-care centres, clinics, and rehabilitation centres.
  4. Hairdresser and Barber – Available in industries and in self-employment.


Careers in Food and Nutrition

  1. Teaching – This career is available in schools.
  2. Dietician – Available in hospitals, clinics, and maternity homes.
  3. Catering – Available in hostels, guest houses and restaurants.
  4. Restaurant Manager – Available in restaurants and supermarkets.
  5. Food Steward – Available in hostels, guest houses, aviation industries, restaurants and company.
  6. Cook – Available in hostels, guest houses and restaurants.
  7. Baker – Available in hotels, companies, restaurants and industries; and as self-employment.
  8. Community Nutritionist – Available in rural health centers, government establishments and companies.
  9. Researcher – Available in higher institutions and government research institutes. 
  10. Bar Service – Available in hotels, restaurants and guest houses.
  11. Food Marketer – Available in co-operative, market associations, companies or industries.


Careers in Clothing and Textile

  1. Designer – Jobs in this aspect are available in industries, companies and self-employment.
  2. Pattern Maker – Available in industries or companies, associations and self-employment.
  3. Fashion Illustrator – Available in industries or companies, associations and self-employment.
  4. Stylist – Available in companies, supermarkets, industries and organisations.
  5. Teaching – Available in schools.
  6. Researcher – Available in higher institutions, companies, industries and government research institutes.
  7. Adult Educator – Available in government establishments, non-governmental organisations and companies.
  8. Garment Makers – Available in industries, companies, supermarkets and self-employment.
  9. Embroidery Maker – Available in industries, companies, supermarkets and self-employment.
  10. Cloth Marketer – Available in industries, supermarkets and self-employment.
  11. Modelling – Available in the fashion industry, supermarkets, companies, and self-employment.


  1. Importance of Home Economics to Individuals, Family and Nation


Importance of Home Economics to Individuals

  1. It teaches people how to live a good healthy and happy life in the family, community, nation and the world. 
  2. It prepares people to use what they have (resources) to get what they need.
  3. It prepares boys and girls for homemaking.
  4. It helps people to develop their abilities. 
  5. It prepares people for the jobs that require Home Economics knowledge and skills.
  6. It can help people to start their own business.
  7. It teaches people how to care for themselves.
  8. It teaches people how to care for their homes.
  9. It teaches people how to spend their money wisely.
  10. It teaches people how to plan, cook, serve and eat good food.
  11. It teaches people how to plan, choose, make, wear and maintain good clothing.


Importance of Home Economics to the Family

  1. It aims at improving family life.
  2. It teaches people how to live happy life in the family.
  3. It teaches people how to use what the family has (resources, e.g. money, time) to satisfy family need (e.g food, clothes, housing).
  4. It can prepare family members to earn more income for the family.
  5. It can teach family members how to maintain good relationships with one another.
  6. It prepares home-makers, who can take care of their homes.
  7. It prepares individuals to take care of family members.
  8. It teaches how to raise family income and build wealth.
  9. It contributes to a healthy family.
  10. It teaches family members how to get along well with one another in the family and society.


Importance of Home Economics to the Nation

  1. It focusses on improvement of family living, and when the welfare of every family is improved, national development is promoted.
  2. It prepares individuals to work and earn income, and thus reduces unemployment in the country.
  3. It reduces poverty in the country.
  4. It contributes to food production, processing preservation and preparation, and, in the overall, promotes food security.
  5. It helps to promote the health of citizens.

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