Prevocational Studies - Primary 5 - Exams





INSTRUCTION: Choose the appropriate option to answer each of these questions

1.) _________ is used to store fresh yam

a.) silos      b. barns     c. hanging baskets       d. water can

2.) Putting food items inside the basket made of light strings of iron is called

a.) silos      b. barns     c. hanging baskets       d. water can

3.) When enzymes are removed, it is called ___________

a.) blanching       b. canning c. bottling   d. refrigeration

4.) We can store dry grains in _________

a.) rhombus                  b. quadrilateral    c. polygons          d. parallel bin

5.) Keep the __________ dry to prevent corrosion

a.) threads b. tracing wheel  c. tailor’s chalk    d. pins and needles

6.) The best tool in keeping the tailor’s chalk in good condition is the ________

a.) razor blade    b. pointed pens   c. bagging d. vegetable peeler

7.) Generally, all sewing tools should be kept ___________

a.) on a shelf       b. on the ground           c. in the sewing kit        d. in the first aid box

8.) All of these are cold storage except

a.) cupboards     b. cooling vans   c. freezers d. refrigerators

9.) The tracing wheel

a.) should be used directly on the work surface

b.) should not be used directly on the work surface

c.) should be used for other purposes

d.) all of the above

10.) The process of allowing crops to rot down and then remove the toxins is called __________

a.) milling   b. grinding c. fermentation   d. scaling

11.) __________ is the removal of intestines, scales and fins from fish.

a.) milling   b. grinding c. fermentation   d. scaling

12.) The activity of removing or reducing water content to minimize the activity of the spoilage of organisms is called __________

a.) drying    b. freezing c. scaling   d. bleeding

13.) We can remove the shells of all the following except

a.) bitterleaf                  b. coconuts          c. palm kernel     d. cashew

14.) The movement of threaded needle in sewing is called ________

a.) teaching                  b. cheating          c. stitches  d. seams

15.) All of these are examples of temporary stitches except

a.) overhand stitch       b. even tacking   c. uneven tacking         d. diagonal tacking

16.) One of these is an example of decorative stitches

a.) over cast stitches    b. whipping          c. back stitches   d. cross stitches

17.) All of these are members of the nuclear family except

a.) grandparents b. father     c. mother d. children

18.) A group of two or more persons related by birth, marriage or adoption is called ____________

a.) inlaws   b. organization    c. ministry  d. family

19.) Plants that are not valued or needed are called ________

a.) crops    b. products c. plants     d. weeds

20.) Moral and ethical principles traditionally upheld and passed on within a family is called

a.) values  b. community      c. education        d. cereals

21.) _________ is a promise to each other that the family will function as a team

a.) self-compassion     b. empathy c. commitment    d. resolution

22.) All of these are negative effects of weed to crops and farmers except

a.) it competes and takes over native plants

b.) it can be used as food for man and feed for animals

c.) it reduces natural food supplies

d.) it destroys the natural environment

23.) Using goats and other livestock to control weeds is called _______ control

a.) cultural b. mechanical     c. biological         d. chemical

24.) Mowing and tilling to control weeds is called __________ control

a.) cultural b. mechanical     c. biological         d. chemical

25.) Chemicals that depend on scrubbing and rubbing action to clean dirts from hard surfaces are called

a.) acids     b. detergents      c. abrasives        d. degreasers

26.) The commonest degreaser is __________

a.) methylated spirit     b. sunlight  c. ariel        d.Hypo

27.) An insect or small animal that damages crops is called ___________

a.) best      b. pest        c. milch animals  d. prest

28.) All of these are examples of bird pests except

a.) pigeons b. sea gulls          c. squirrels          d. sparrows

29.) __________ is an example of a piercing and sucking insects

a.) grasshoppers b. termites c. weevils  d. aphids

30.) __________ is a process in which a living or non-living thing interferes with the normal functions of a plant over time

a.) animal disease       b. plant disease  c. protozoa d. parasites


INSTRUCTION: Answer only three questions

1.) How do we care for the following?

i.) scissors

ii.) needles and pins

iii.) threads

iv.) measuring tape

v.) tracing wheel

2a.) Define the term stitches

  b.) Give two examples of each

  i.) temporary stitches

  ii.) permanent stitches

  iii.) decorative stitches

3a.) Explain the meaning of family values

  b.) Give three examples of family values

  c.) List the five stages of family

4a.) Highlight three negative effects of weeds on animals and farmers

  b.) State two benefits of weeds to farmers and animals

5.) List the ingredients used in preparing liquid soap and describe how it is prepared