Prevocational Studies - Primary 5 - Exams





INSTRUCTION: Choose the appropriate options to answer each of the following questions

1.) A field that is concerned with improving family life is called ____________

a.) civic studies   b. agriculture       c. home economics      d. social education

2.) All of these are areas in Home economics except

a.) food and nutrition    b. home management c. clothing and textile   d. zoology

3.) The knowledge of Home economics teaches us

a.) to know our rights and defend it correctly

b.) how to cook, plan, serve and eat good food

c.) how to produce unusual results in our farming activities

d.) how to relate our imaginations on paper

4.) The knowledge of _________ helps to train family members on child care

a.) civic studies   b. agriculture       c. home economics      d. social education

5.) Family members are prepared for ________ via the study of Home Economics

a.) their expected roles in society  b. chieftaincy titles        c. fame and popularity d. citizenship and its responsibilities

6.) The process of growing crops for domestic and commercial purpose is called

a.) zoology b. crop production        c. botany   d. livestock production

7.) One of these is not an importance of crop production

a.) as a source of raw materials

b.) for consumption

c.) for sales

d.) all of the above

8.) __________ is when the remnant of trees are removed from the ground

a.) land preparation     b. ridging and mound making         c. stumping d. planting

9.) The removal of unwanted plants that may hinder the growth of the crops planted is called ________

a.) harvesting      b. weeding c. seed selection d. supplying

10.) The process of marketing takes place in the ________

a.) school  b. library     c. hospital  d. market

11.) A process whereby organic and inorganic substances are applied on crops and the land in order to produce an unusual and bountiful harvest is called ____________

a.) seed depth    b. storage  c. manure and fertilizer application d. storage

12.) All of these are insects except

a.) weevil   b. beetle    c. monkeys d. butterfly

13.) Any relationship by blood, marriage or adoption is called _________ relationship

a.) family    b. community      c. occultic  d. national

14.) A chart that shows all the people in a family over many generations and their relationship to one another is called

a.) family bonds  b. family shrubs  c. family tree       d. family flowers

15.) The availability of water around a farm for the purpose of watering th crops planted is called _________

a.) preservation  b. irrigation c. thinning  d. manuring

16.) Small hand tools used in food preparation are called _________

a.) materials        b. equipments     c. agents   d. utensils

17.) One of these is not a kitchen equipment

a.) deep fryers    b. microwave ovens     c. yam pounders d. knives

18.) __________ are used for dishing and scooping soups from the pot to soup bowls

a.) tongs              b. ladles     c. knives    d. chopping boards

19.) When we want to turn a dish without removing it from the oven, frying pan or grill, we can use _________

a.) tongs              b. ladles     c. knives    d. chopping boards

20.) We use the ________ to process food and fruit, make smoothies, mayonnaise, spread etc

a.) deep fryers    b. microwave ovens     c. yam pounders d. blenders

21.) The process of collecting the matured crops from the field is called

 a.) harvesting     b. weeding c. seed treatment         d. seed rate

22.) Harvesting can be done individually or by using a _____________

a.) plougher        b. harrower c. watering can   d. combine harvester

23.) All of these are harvesting activities except

a.) handling         b. stacking c. threshing         d. mulching

24.) We can use the ______ to reheat and cook food, disinfect kitchen items, grill and roast foods

a.) Refrigerator   b. microwave ovens     c. yam pounders d. blenders

25.) Various tools used for sewing by hand or machine is called _________

a.) kitchen utensils       b. sewing machine       c. sewing tools    d. none of the above

26.) ___________ is used to cut fabrics and snip threads

a.) fiber fill  b. scissors c. pin cushions   d. safety pins

27.) To fill stuff toys, ________ is used

a.) fiber fill  b. scissors c. pin cushions   d. safety pins

28.) _____________ is used to make marks on fabrics

a.) needles b. threads  c. razor blade      d. tailor’s chalks

29.) To hold fabrics temporarily, ____________ is used

a.) scissors b. tape measure c. pins                  d. felt

30.) Treating and handling crops to stop it or slow it down from spoiling is called

a.) crop marketing        b. crop storage   c. crop preservation     d. crop production


INSTRUCTION: Answer only THREE questions in this section

1a.) What is crop storage?

  b.) State four methods of crop preservation

2a.) Define the term “Crop production”

  b.) Describe four importance of Home Economics

3a.) Write short notes on the following

          i.) family relationship

          ii.) family tree

  bi.) What are kitchen equipments?

   ii.) List four kitchen equipments

4a.) State the functions of the following

          i.) pots

          ii.) freezer

          iii.) food processor

  bi.) What does harvesting mean?

   ii.) Enumerate two harvesting activities

5a.) Define sewing tools

  b.) Mention and explain the use of four sewing tools