Christian Religious Studies - Primary 4 - Exams





INSTRUCTION: Choose the appropriate option to answer each of these questions

  1. __________ are strict instructions designed by God to keep His people responsible and loyal to Him
  2. love b. laws c. mercies  d. grace
  3. God gave _________ commandments to Moses for the Israelites
  4. 2 b. 5 c. 10           d. 15
  5. To do something that breaks a religious law or is felt to be bad is called
  6. sinning b. cleansing c. fomenting        d. resentment
  7. Letting go of vengeance and resentment with regards to a sin someone committed against you is called __________
  8. sinning b. righteousness c. forgiveness d. provocation
  9. In the story of the prodigal son, the man had __________ sons
  10. 2 b. 5 c. 10           d. 15
  11. Which of the sons requested for his own share of the inheritance?
  12. older b. middle c. youngest          d. second
  13. When things became tough, the prodigal son eat with _________
  14. goats b. cattle c. swine     d. chicken
  15. When the prodigal son returned home,
  16. he was rejected
  17. he was punished
  18. he was mocked at
  19. he was warmly received
  20. In the story of the Paralytic man, _________ men brought him to Jesus
  21. five b. four c. three      d. several
  22. The paralytic man, was brought in ____________
  23. through the roof b. by the door c. using wheel barrow  d. with a horse
  24. What made Jesus to proceed in healing the Paralytic man?
  25. he saw their faith b. they looked pitiful c. he just needed them to stop disturbing Him     d. he wanted to show off
  26. All these are conditions necessary for the forgiveness of sins except
  27. admitting your sins and being remorseful
  28. asking for forgiveness
  29. turning away from sinful behaviours
  30. all of the above
  31. When we forgive others,
  32. God answers our prayers b. we are termed big fools c. it is normal d. God is unperturbed
  33. ______________ and 15. _____________ are various ways by which Jesus demonstrated His love for mankind
  34. by feeding them, by wiping them off of the face of the earth b. by forgiving them, by interceding and continually advocating for them c. by allowing the devil to tempt them, by misunderstanding them   d. by healing them, by neglecting all their requests
  35. In what verse of the Bible were we told of God’s love for us?
  36. Joel 2:8 b. Phil 4:4 c. John 3:16 d. Jude 1: 26
  37. Jesus’ death on the cross of calvary was __________
  38. selfish b. sacrificial c. uncalled for     d. greedy
  39. We can show love for one another by
  40. pretending to care b. sharing our gifts c. being rude and disrespectful      d. being intolerant to those who are against our beliefs
  41. ___________ means we talking to God and God talking back to us
  42. fasting b. singing c. prayer    d. community
  43. When we have no words to express ourselves to God, this is called
  44. groaning b. verbalization c. mediation d. adoration
  45. A man who hardens his neck, .........................................................
  46. will advance better in life
  47. will experience an uncommon expansion
  48. will enter into profitable relationships
  49. will suddenly be broken beyond remedy
  50. People are proud simply because they are___________
  51. happy b. sad c. entitled   d. grateful
  52. ________ is an example of a proud person in the bible
  53. pharaoh b. herod c. satan d. Joshua
  54. __________ opposes the proud
  55. parents b. teachers c. pastors d. God
  56. Being puffed up and being unwilling to submit to authority is called _________
  57. pride b. contentment c. respect  d. bravery
  58. What does God give to humble people?
  59. grace b. problems c. challenges      d. headaches
  60. All of these are expressions of lust for money except
  61. money rituals b. armed robbery c. kidnapping      d. importation of kitchen utensils
  62. Looking for an easy way out is called __________
  63. laziness b. ignorance c. pride d. disrespect
  64. An expression of pride is __________
  65. hypocrisy b. regard for elders c. submission      d. integrity
  66. It is best to
  67. be in the company of money lusters
  68. keep money luster as friends
  69. avoid the company of money lusters
  70. take counsel from money lusters

INSTRUCTION: Answer only three questions

 1a. Write short notes on the following

  1. verbalization
  2. mediation

  iii. adoration

  1. State two ways we can show love to one another

2a. Mention three importance of showing love to one another

  1. Describe the extent of Jesus’ love for mankind

3a. List three ways by which Jesus demonstrated his love for mankind

  1. What are two importance of forgiving others?

4a. Highlight the three conditions necessary for the forgiveness of sins

  1. Explain sin

5a. Define forgiveness

  1. State four of the ten commandments