Christian Religious Studies - Primary 4 - Exams





INSTRUCTION: Choose the appropriate options to answer each of the following questions

1.) God can speak to us through all these means except

a.) dreams b. prophets c. visions   d. none of the above

2.) Jacob started his life out as a ___________

a.) deceiver         b. upright man     c. a father of nations    d. a receiver

3.) The name of Jacob’s uncle was ___________

a.) Haman b. Mordecai         c. Laban    d. Josiah

4.) Who did Jacob encounter at bethel?

a.) a demon        b. satan himself            c. an angel of the Lord d. his wife Rachel

5.) Who were after Jacob’s life while he was with his uncle?

a.) his uncle        b. his uncle’s sons       c. his friend d. his other wife Leah

6.) A manner of acting, feeling or thinking that shows one’s disposition and opinion is called _______

a.) art         b. attitude  c. tarmac   d. psychology

7.) When God speaks,

a.) we should ignore Him

b.) we should reward Him

c.) we should be attentive to Him

d.) We should talk also

8.) It is good to maintain communication with God while on the task for ongoing instructions.

Yes or No

In a model family, what are the roles of the following?

9.) The Husband: ____________________________________________________________

10.) The wife:_______________________________________________________________

11.) The children:____________________________________________________________

12.) God’s precious Gift to believers who guides and teaches us all truth is the ________________

a.) angels  b. prophet  c. Holy Spirit        d. demons

13.) The__________ of Jesus Christ was the payment made for our sins

a.) annoyance     b. mercy    c. sacrifice d. grace

14.) Because of all that Christ did for us,

a.) we are fully guilty and due for eternal damnation

b.) our imperfections were corrected and we are now the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus

c.) We are ready to be sent to hell

d.) God is still angry with us and we must by our own selves pay for our sins

15.) Every model family must follow the pattern of ________

a.) their ancestors        b. their own parents     c. the society      d. Jesus Christ

16.) We are all _______ of one father

a.) brothers b. children c. parents  d. slaves

17.) One of the commandments of Christ is that

a.) we should love one another

b.) forgive each other of our errors

c.) believe in one another and support each other

d.) all of the above

18.) How do we live in peace with one another irrespective of religion?

a.) shoving down our beliefs on each other’s throats

b.) respect each other’s beliefs

c.) criticize each other’s beliefs openly

d.) kill those who don’t agree with who we believe in

19.) _______ creates an environment that enables progress and prosperity

a.) peace   b. chaos    c. crisis                d. strife

20.) Who did God say this to?

“ Leave the land you have always known. Go from your homeland to a new land that I will show you”

a.) Abraham        b. Jacob    c. Jesus              d. Zephaniah

21.) God calls us to all this except

a.) salvation        b. rebellion c. holiness d. service

22.) When _______ arrived at Canaan, he built _____ there

a.) Jacob, temple b. Abraham, temple     c. Abraham, altar d. Isaac, temple

23.) When God calls you,

a.) see it as a burden

b.) see it as a form of stress

c.) see it as an opportunity

d.) see it as nothing

24.) When you respond to God’s call,

a.) your faith will greatly reduce

b.) it will bring about a lot of depression and sadness

c.) Get ready to run far away from it

d.) it will develop great faith and absolute trust in God

25.) Those who don’t obey the call of God,

a.) will live a long good life

b.) will end up great in life

c.)  will make heaven

d.) will die untimely and face the judgment of God

26.) A rule of conduct or action that a nation or group of people agree to follow is called _______

a.) mercy   b. law         c. love        d. grace

27.) ________ are merely set and can be adjusted as the need arises and should be followed out of respect

a.) rules               b. laws                 c. loves                d. graces

28.) In the bible, ______ was given laws for the people of Israel

a.) Adam    b. Moses   c. Herod     d. Ahab

29.) How many sons did Jacob have?

a.) 10          b. 11           c. 12 d. 30

30.) How can we become children of God?

a.) when we confess our sins and accept Jesus as our Lord and personal saviour

b.) When we climb up to a high mountain and sleep there for 40 days and nights

c.) when we continue in our sins but begin to attend church

d.) when we speak in tongues for 24 hours everyday



INSTRUCTION: Answer only THREE questions in this section

1a.) Enumerate four ways God speaks to us

  b.) Discuss three reasons why God speaks to us

2a.) Explain three right attitude to exhibit when God speaks to us

  b.) Explain what two things it means to be in Christ

3a.) Highlight three right attitudes to one another as members of the same family

  b.) Give two reasons why God calls His people

4a.) Who are the people that accompanied Abraham?

  b.) State three of the blessings of Abraham

5a.) State three benefits of God’s call

  b.) Differentiate between laws and rules