English Language - Primary 3 - Exams



CLASS: GRADE 3                                                 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE 

Name: ________________________________________________________________


Colours of Roses and their meanings

Red rose is given to a person to show great liking, respect, care and support. If it is a deep red rose, it can be given to show feeling of sadness. Also, because red is the colour of blood red rose shows family relationships.

White rose, like any other white flower, shows a new beginning and freedom from evil, it also shows something good. It is used by brides on their wedding day.

Yellow rose reminds one of the sun. A yellow rose is given out to show joy, happiness, friendship and welcome.

Pink rose is used to show respect and liking for someone. It also shows joy and feeling of being thankful.

Orange rose remind one of bright and strong fire. It represents very great liking and energy.

Layender rose represents a feeling of great happiness and satisfaction.

Blue rose represents calmness and peace.

Green rose represents a new life. It is given to show good wishes for new life or wishes of good health.

Black rose, i.e. dark red rose, shows the death of something, e.g. an idea, friendship, etc.


  1. Which colour of rose shows that one is sad?
  2. Which colour of rose stands for members of the same family?
  3. State the colour of rose usually used by brides?
  4. Which rose reminds one of the sun?
  5. Which one reminds one of fire?
  6. Which colours of roses show respect and liking?
  7. What does blue rose represent?
  8. Which rose represents new life?
  9. If you no longer want to be someone’s friend, which type of rose will you give that person?
  10. Which of the colours do you like best and why do you like it? (20 mks)


Fill in the blanks with the correct words given in the brackets

  1. My brother _________ that he broke the _________ pot (new/ knew)
  2. The ____________ girls were ______________ late to catch the bus (two/ too)
  3. We ___________ English from left to ___________ (write/ right)
  4. The hungry boy _____________ all the _______________ sandwiches (eight/ ate)
  5. She was very _____________ and had to stay in bed for a ___________ (weak/ week)


Rewrite the sentences by putting capital letters, question marks, full-stops, exclamation marks and commas where necessary

  1. Where are you going for Christmas


  1. My father is going to nigeria this week


  1. Miracle Ugochukwu and Nicole are friends


  1. Wow congratulations i am so happy for you


  1. Is this the way to the post office


                                                                                    (5 mks)

Rewrite the letters of these words to form new words

  1. nets = _____________________
  2. huts = _________________
  3. sore = _________________
  4. guns = ________________
  5. lamps = __________________ (5mks)

Fill in the blanks with the correct contractions

  1. that is = ___________________
  2. who is ____________________
  3. you are ________________
  4. She has __________________
  5. They have _____________________

                                                                              (5 mks)

 Use the correct form of the verbs in the brackets

  1. The thieves have _______________ the car from where it was parked (remove)
  2. The police have ________________ the thieves (arrest)
  3. He has _________________ the door (close)
  4. We have ______________ some maize (plant)
  5. They have ___________________ the bridge (destroy)

                                                                  (5 mks)

Rearrange the letters of the words

  1. Oevst _____________________
  2. Nkis __________________
  3. Lpeta ___________________
  4. Oonsp ___________________
  5. Puc ____________________

                                                                                                (5 mks)


Write a letter to your mummy telling her how you are being treated in the boarding school.