Christian Religious Studies - Primary 3 - Exams


Name: ______________________________________________________
Choose the appropriate option to answer the below questions

1. ________ is an example of a source of light created by God
a. sun b. torch light c. lantern d. rechargeable lap
2. Light travels _________
a. in a zig-zag way b. in a straight line c. in a circular way d. in a wavy form
3. Light travels at _________
a. low speed b. average speed c. a very high speed d. none of the above
4. All of these are forms of darkness as described by the bible except
a. prosperity b. sicknesses c. sadness d. wickedness
5. _________ are to be the light
a. Jews b. Gentiles c. Christians d. Babylonians
6. _________ is available to Christians for the performing of every good work
a. failure b. sorrows c. misery d. Grace
7. Christians can shine their light by all these ways except
a. being role models to others in good virtues and character
b. performing good works such as charity etc that praises may go to our heavenly Father
c. Spreading the gospel to everyone they come across
d. quarreling and fighting with their neighbours
8. One of these is not an importance of Christians as the light of the world
a. they have the means to enlighten the world through the truth of Christ
b. God placed them in various parts of the world for the purpose of taking the gospel even to the ends of the earth
c. They display pride in their efforts and bring dishonour to God
d. Grace is available for them to perform good works that can further shine their lights
9. To feel pain or misfortunes often leading to serious injuries, decapitations and even death is called _________
a. suffering b. happiness c. faith d. loyalty
10. All of these suffered in the Bible except
a. Jesus Christ b. Chidinma c. Paul d. John
11. All of these are reasons why people suffer except
a. an individual brings it on himself
b. someone intentionally causes another to suffer
c. an act of nature
d. All of the above
12. Who was thrown into the Lion’s den for choosing not to bow down to idols made by the king?
a. Jonah b. Daniel c. Israel d. Judah
13.Jesus was crucified even though He was _________
a. guilty b. innocent c. an accomplice in all the sins d. happy
14. One of these is not the reason why Jesus was crucified
a. To boast that he did it all by himself without any help
b. So that mankind will die no more
c. So that mankind can have eternal life
d. So that mankind can have access to God Almighty
15. Those who believe in Jesus
a. will not perish
b. will have eternal life
c. will perish
d. A & B
16. How many strokes of cane was Jesus flogged for our sake?
a. 12 b. 20 c. 39 d. 82
17. They wore for Jesus
a. a diamond ring b. a golden wristwatch c. an Italian shoe d. a crown of thorns
18. Jesus was crucified
a. in the Egyptian gallows b. on the cross of Golgotha c. on the cross of calvary d. on the pyramids of Egypt
19. Jesus was betrayed by
a. Thomas b. Judas Iscariot c. Nathaniel d. Matthew
20. _________ drew out his sword and cut off the ear of the servant of the High priest
a. James b. John c. Luke d. Peter
21. ________ and 22. _________ were the names of the High priests who were against Jesus
a. Phillip and Denise b. Annas and Caiphas c. Joseph and Aquila d. Titus and Philemon
23. For how many pieces of silver was Jesus sold?
a. 30 b. 60 c. 90 d. 120
24. How many witnesses were brought to testify against Jesus?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 6
25. Who was released instead of Jesus?
a. Barabbas b. Nathan c. Jeremiah d. Isaiah
26. For how long was the darkness on the day Jesus died?
a. 2 hours b. 3 hours c. 4 hours d. 7 hours
27. Who among these women was not at the tomb of Jesus?
a. Jesus’ mother b. Mary Magdalene c. Mary the wife of Cleopas d. Deborah
28. By Jesus’ resurrection, it has been proved that Jesus
a. is powerless
b. has power over death and has conquered it
c. is not the son of God
d. deceived us all
29. A declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen is called ________
a. miracles b. parables c. promise d. comforter
30. __________ is the Comforter Jesus promised to send to His disciples
a. Angel Gabriel b. Prophet Elijah c. Judge Judy d. The Holy Spirit

Answer any three questions of your choice in this section
1a. Discuss three of the appearances of Jesus after his resurrection
b. What is the significance of Jesus’ resurrection?
2a. In three lines, Describe the Holy Spirit
b. Narrate the events at the tomb
3a. State two importance of Jesus’ death and resurrection
b. How did Jesus die?
4a. In four lines, Discuss the arrest of Jesus
b. What kinds of suffering did Jesus pass through for the sake of mankind?
5a. Give three examples of people that suffered in the bible
b. Highlight three reasons why a person suffers