Verbal Reasoning - Primary 3 - Exams




Circle the word which will come first if arranged alphabetically;

  1. Beg bag                      big                        bunch
  2. Fly fan                       fish                       four
  3. Save soap                    sweet                            size
  4. tent time                      two                       try
  5. Find food                     fan                       fed


Fill in the missing letters;                                                                                                                    

  1. Owns =                 s__w__n
  2. nets =                 n__s__t
  3. huts =                 sh__ __
  4. veil =                 l__v__
  5. sore           =                 r__s__

Rearrange the word in heavy type so as to form another word explains the meaning. Choose from the patch on next page:

Example:             pot – the highest part            top

  1. nap a shallow                                                   ____
  2. arts one of the bright bodies in the sky           ____
  3. pelts past tense of spell ____
  4. mates vapour from hot liquid                               ____
  5. brake to dash in pieces                                       ____
  6. teach to deceive                                                  ____

Rearrange the letters in capitals to make another word. The new word has something to do with the first two words.

Example:                           spot            soil             SAINT                 ______

  1. flower        thorn          SORE                  _______
  2. high           above         POT           _______
  3. throb          pain            EACH                  _______
  4. start           commence BEING                 _______
  5. shell          slow           NAILS                  _______

The letters written backwards for coding:

I    H       G       F       E       D       C       B       A

1   2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9

  1. BAG ____
  2. HAD ____
  3. 856 ____
  4. 798 ____
  5. HID ____

Example:   If Travel is 723165, then Rat is 237

                   If 1356 is Fist, then 536 is Sit.        

  1. If Doctor is 193692, then Cord is ________.
  2. If 2735 is Fair, then 735 is _________.
  3. If 8362 is Tear, then 362 is _________.
  4. If Soldier is 7612354, then Sold is _________.
  5. If Grind is 82437, then Ring is _________.