Prevocational Studies - Primary 3 - Exams





INSTRUCTION: Choose the appropriate option to answer each of these questions

1.) _________ is an example of a leafy vegetable

a.) onions  b. tomatoes         c. okra        d. pumpkin

2.) _________ is an example of a fruit vegetable

a.) kale       b. lettuce    c. cabbage d. pepper

3.) Foods that contain oils and fats are called

a.) carbohydrates         b. protein   c. oily foods        d. vitamins

4.) ________ foods are necessary in the production of soaps

a.) minerals         b. oily         c. protein   d. latex

5.) All of these are examples of minerals except

a.) calcium b. carcinogen      c. nitrogen d. potassium

6.) One of these is not an example of a mineral food

a.) yoghurt b. nuts and seeds        c. millet      d. rice

7.) All of these are ways we can care for our hair except

a.) washing it with shampoo b. barbing or plaiting it  c. applying hair conditioner   d. sharing hair tools with other people

8.)  All of these fruits contain water except

a.) apples  b. pawpaw c. water melon    d. dates

9.) A meal that fulfills all of a person’s nutritional needs is called

a.) delicious meal         b. balanced diet  c. happy diet       d. conscious diet

10.) We have _______ classes of food

a.) 5  b. 6   c. 7   d. 8

11.) _________ is an example of a hair infection

a.) cancer  b. ringworm         c. malaria   d. typhoid fever

12.) It is ideal to take our bath _________ daily and after work/exercise

a.) once     b. twice      c. twenty times    d. countless times       

13.) We can apply __________ to avoid too much damage to the skin

a.) sunscreen      b. sun scrub        c. bleaching cream      d. retinol

14.) One of the effects of an unbalanced diet is

a.) becoming overweight or obese b. normal growth and development          c. beautiful and shiny skin         d. sickness-free

15.) __________ is a chemical we can spray to wipe surfaces in the home clean

a.) hydraulic acids        b. hydrogen peroxide   c. chlorine  d. acetic acid

16.) To keep the hair healthy,

a.) allow the weak strands to grow further                  b. apply chemicals       c. trim off the weak strands d. none of the above

17.) A colourless, odourless and tasteless liquid is ________

a.) vinegar b. water      c. food       d. engine oil

18.) Sources of water are all these except

a.) gutters  b. rain         c. tap d. spring

Some popular skin diseases are 19.) __________  20.) __________ and 21.) ___________

a.) malaria, typhoid fever, corona virus   b. pimples, scabies, eczema c. ring worm, lice, HIV/AIDS     d. cellulites, perrizites, rhizomes

22.) A plant cultivated for sales and consumption is called

  1. crop b. flowers c. beeswax          d. genre

Examples of fibre crops are 23.) _________ and 24.) ___________   

a.) lily, candy      b. raffia, cotton    c. melon, nuts     d. oranges, mangoes

25.) Fleshy, enlarged underground organs of some plant are called ___________

a.) grains   b. latex       c. pulses    d. tubers

26.) Another name for grains are __________

a.) cereals b. latex       c. pulses    d. tubers

Example of grains are 27.) ___________ and 28.)____________

a.) carrots, cabbage     b. melon, raffia    c. rice, maize       d. soyabeans, beans

29.) An example of an ornamental plant is __________

a.) cassava b. mango   c. sunflower        d. sunscreen

30.) __________ is a latex crop

a.) beans   b. rubber    c. oranges d. lily

INSTRUCTION: Answer only three questions

1a.) Explain the following

  i.) Crop

  ii.) unbalanced diet

  b.) State three effects of unbalanced diet

2a.) Define grains

  b.) Enumerate three uses of grain crops

  c.) Give two examples of grains

3a.) Explain tubers

  b.) Give one example each of

  i.) root tubers

  ii.) stem tubers

  c.) State two uses of tubers

4a.) Mention four materials used for washing clothes

  b.) Enumerate two methods for caring for the skin

5a.) List three articles used for caring for the skin

  b.) What are two dangers of sharing unsterilized hair articles