History - Primary 3 - Exams



CLASS: PRIMARY 3                                SUBJECT: HISTORY


INSTRUCTION: Choose the appropriate option to answer each of these questions

  1. The Okun people are located in __________ state.  a. kwara b. Niger c. Ebonyi   d. Kogi
  2. The man who led the Okun people to their current location is called ___________  a. Yagba b. Kpogbar c. Baba d. Gerard
  3. “iya agba lo je mi” means

           a. the land was inherited

           b. the land is fertile

           c. the land was taken away by elderly people

           d. the land was given to me by my ancestors

        4. The __________ lived in circular hamlets both nuclear and extended family  a. British b. Mumuye c. Okun d. Efik

        5. Wealth among the __________ people was measured by how many people living in a man’s house  a. Kalabari b. Mumuye c. Okun d. Efik

        6. To the Igalas, Black colour signifies ___________  a. success and favour b. kindness and goodness c. richness in Igala land d. none of the above

        7. Ojo Ogbekwukwu means  a. world of its own b. afterworld c. severe famine d. God Almighty

        8. The __________ colour represents the hospitality of the Igala people  a. red b. white c. yellow    d. orange

        9. The Mumuye people are located in __________ state  a. Ogun b. Anambra c. Taraba   d. Delta

        10. A woman who we admire for doing a great and brave thing is called a __________   a. cocaine b. heroine c. hero       d. cannabis

        11. Who was invited to a British ship to discuss on the disagreement in his town?  a. King Jaja b. King Gaga c. Nana Olumu   d. Oba Ovonramwen

        12. What happened to Opobo after the death of its king?  a. their power and territory expanded b. The british left the people alone c. the power gradually reduced d. nothing happened

        13. Who surrendered himself to save his people?  a. King Jaja b. King Gaga c. Nana Olumu   d. Oba Ovonramwen

        14. Phillip’s weapon was hidden in bags disguised as  a. gifts b. jewels c. food       d. luxury goods

        15. Muhammed Rumfa was famous for establishing the __________ market   a. eke b. kurmi c. gidan      d. amina’s

        16. What was the name of Queen Amina’s brother?  a. bakwa b. Turunku c. Karama d. Jalingo

        17. A man who we admire for doing a brave and great thing is called a _________  a. hero b. halo b. hello       c. heroin

        18. __________ was the founder of Opobo city   a. Nana Olumu b. Queen Amina c. King Jaja c. Oba Ovonramwen

        19. Whose cup of tea was allegedly poisoned?   a. Nana Olumu b. Queen Amina c. King Jaja c. Oba Ovonramwen

        20. ____________ was born in Jakpa, Delta state   a. Nana Olumu b. Queen Amina c. King Jaja c. Oba Ovonramwen

        21. In ___________, Nana Olumu signed a treaty with the British allowing them to trade freely in his region  a. 1880 b. 1881 c. 1883      d. 1884

        22. Nana Olumu was deported to __________ and died in the year __________  a. Togo, 1918 b. Ghana, 1916 c. Canada, 1917 d. Greece, 1656

        23. A British invasion force led by ____________ set out to overthrow Oba Ovonramwen   a. Harry Rawson b. Phillip c. Henry Hamilton Johnson d. Henry Hesketh Bell

        24. For how long did Oba ovonramwen evade capture?  a. 1 year b. 2 months c. 6 months         d. 12 years

        25. How many people accompany Oba ovonramwen on his return?  a. 700 people b. 400 people c. 100 people      d. 6 people

        26. Muhammed Rumfa built the large palace called the ______________   a. Gifan Rumfa b. Gidan Rumfa c. Girdle Rumfa  d. Gilan Runfa

        27. Queen Amina was born in the year __________  a. 1422 b. 1890 c. 1533      d. 1212

        28. For how many years did Amina’s brother reign?  a. 5 years b. 7 years c. 10 years d. 20 years

        29.  Queen Amina earned respect with the ____________ before her ascension to the throne   a. zuzu army b. Zazzau Calvary c. Nigerian army d. Zigan calvary

        30. Queen Amina fortified all her military camps with an earthen wall and it was named ___________  a. Zazzau walls b. Amina’s walls c. Zaria walls       d. Niger walls

INSTRUCTION: Answer only three questions

  1. What happened during the military operation led by Harry Rawson?
  2. In three lines, describe the characteristic features of the Okun people

      3a. Define

            i.) Hero

           ii.) Heroine

          iii.) Give three examples of Nigeria’s heroes and heroines

      4a. How was King Jaja of Opobo killed?

        b. What happened between Phillip and Oba Ovonramwen that resulted in the destruction of the Oba’s palace?

      5. In five sentences, write about Queen Amina of Zaria