Basic Science and Technology - Primary 3 - Exams





INSTRUCTION: Choose the appropriate options to answer each of these questions

1.) __________ simply means air in motion

a.) breeze  b. wind       c. tsunami  d. volcano

2.) All of these are useful effects of wind except

a.) as a source of energy      b. for sailing boats, ships etc          c. in flying kites, airplanes etc       d. it destroys lives and properties

3.) A gentle wind is called ___________

a.) breeze  b. wind       c. tsunami  d. volcano

Football is a game where 4.________ teams of 5._________ players each score goals in order to win

a.) three, five       b. two, five           c. five, four          d. two, eleven

6.) The skill mostly used by the goal keeper is called __________

a.) dribbling         b. goal keeping   c. heading d. chesting

7.) All of these are harmful effects of wind except

a.) it can remove roofs b. it can cause wind erosion           c. in flying kites, airplanes etc    d. it destroys lives and properties

8.) Ensure that the football _________ is not wet or slippery

a.) court     b. pitch       c. rink         d. hall

9.) A/an  _________ is necessary before you start any game

a.) little warm-up exercise     b. alcohol   c. lot of food        d. big basket

10.) One of the reasons why we package water is

a.) to keep it safe until we are ready to drink it b. to enjoy the fanciness       c.) to allow it to go sour         d. to allow it become stale

11.) __________ water is easier to transport

a.) cup of   b. tank of    c. bucket of          d. packaged

12.) We can find the ___________ on a safe packaged water

a.) name of the manufacturer                  b. name of the workers          c. name of the packager   d. name of the product

13.) The ___________ registration number is an important feature of packaged water

a.) NDLEA b. NPF       c. NAFDAC         d. INEC

Basketball is a game played by 14.________ teams of 15._________ players each shooting a ball through a raised goal in order to score

 a.) three, five      b. two, five           c. five, four          d. two, eleven

16.) _________ is one of the basic skills in basketball

a.) chesting         b. heading c. bouncing d. goal keeping

17.) __________ is the uppermost layer of the earth crust where plants can grow.

a.) wand    b. soil         c. computer         d. breeze

18.) All of these are components of the soil except

a.) water    b. microorganisms       c. minerals d. food

19.) All of these are types of soil except

a.) sandy soil      b. clay soil  c. loamy soil        d. roaming soil

20.) All of these are appropriate wears for sports except

a.) jersey   b. high heels       c. stockings/socks        d. canvas

21.) ___________ the officials of the game

a.) disobey b. disrespect       c. obey       d. disregard

22.) __________ and 23. ___________ are examples of organisms we can find in the soil

a.) snake, cockroaches         b. monkey, tiger c. earthworm, millipedes       d. eagles vultures

24.) ___________ and 25.) ___________ are nutrients animals derive from the soil

a.) boron, helium b. berrylium, sulphur    c. oxygen, nitrogen      d. chlorine, bromine

26.) We use the __________ to move and drag objects on the computer

a.) scanner b. mouse   c. microphone     d. speaker

27.) Joystick is used to give instructions to ______________ especially in computer games

a.) characters     b. actors    c. students d. pupils

28.) To launch the Microsoft word application, click the __________ button

a.) END      b. ALT        c. START  d. OBEY

29.) ____________ is used by humans to make kitchen utensils e.g ceramics

a.) wind      b. water      c. soil          d. breeze

30.) One of these is not a source of water

a.) spring   b. rain         c. well         d. mountain



INSTRUCTION: Answer only three questions

1a.) Mention four uses of water

  b.) State three features of packaged water

2a.) Highlight two safety rules in basketball

  b.) List three nutrients animals derive from the soil

3a.) State three uses of soil to animals and human beings

  b.) List four basic skills in football

4a.) Mention two

  i.) harmful effects of wind

  ii.) useful effects of wind

  b.) Define Wind

5a.) Explain the functions of the following

  i.) microphone

  ii.) keyboard

  iii.) mouse

  b.) Give an example of a living organism in the soil