Verbal Reasoning - Primary 3 - Exams



CLASS: PRIMARY 3                                SUBJECT: VERBAL REASONING

Look for the pair of words which are most similar in the meaning:


Story, tell    small, tiny   laugh, cry

  1. Drink, eat simple, easy                           lump, smooth
  2. Skin, hair smash, break                leaf, stone
  3. Drop, fall good, bad                     stand, sit
  4. Ready, kick hard, difficult                 change, freeze
  5. Form, shape frozen, ice                     honey, milk


Bean                    bring           book           best

  1. ____ip ___oo ___ebra              _____est
  2. ____lop ___ear ____lower           ____ry
  3. ____ust ____oy ____oin               ____am
  4. ____ace ____ain ____ead              ____od
  5. ____aint ____oft ____tain              ____peak


A    B    C         D         E       F       G       H       I         J       K       L       M      N

Z     Y     X         W        V       U       T       S       R       Q       P       O       N       M


O    P     Q         R         S       T       U       V       W      X       Y       Z

L     K     J          I           H       G       F       E       D       C       B       A


AZ              BY              CX              DW             EV              FU

Do these:

  1. EV FU GT              HS              _______    ______
  2. UF VE WD             XC              _______    ______
  3. BY CX DW             EV              _______    ______
  4. HS IR JQ              KP              _______    ______
  5. QJ RI SH              TG              _______    ______


Find the underline two words that are made from the same letters

Pan            pin             nap            not

Do these:

  1. let ten ben             net
  2. sit set tab              bat
  3. not out lot               ton
  4. try tub tin               but
  5. tea ant not              ate


a       b       c       d       e       f        g       h       i         j         k       l         m

n       o       p       q       r        s       t        u       v        w       x       y        z


In each line below, the words are all in alphabetical order except one. Underline the odd word:

bag             cane           sun             dog

  1. stone new take            under
  2. dry open put              queen
  3. Xmas cap yoyo           zip
  4. radio goat sale            tooth
  5. over pipe dog             quarter

Underline one word from the words in bracket, so that the sentence makes sense

The (cat, dog, meow) barks at me

  1. The (house, table, road) has a (high, tall, big) garden around it.
  2. Olu (spends, sends, saves) his money in the (band, bake, bank)
  3. Please put the (cat, baby, dog) in its (basket, bottle, pram) mother is going shopping
  4. We can (dive, hop, ride) on the (bus, bed, bell) to go to school
  5. The (dog, kitten, cow) wants some (meat, milk, yam)