Prevocational Studies - Primary 3 - Exams





INSTRUCTION: Choose the appropriate options to answer each of the following questions

1.) _________ are chemical compounds in food that are used by the body to function properly and maintain health.

a.) nutrients         b. properties       c. agriculture       d. home economics

2.) All of these are parts of the body except

a.) hands   b. feet        c. shoulder d. keyboard

3.) __________ foods are foods that supply energy to the body

a.) vitamins b. energy giving           c. minerals d. body protective

4.) Examples of energy giving foods are _______ and ________

a.) beans, potatoes      b. rice, bread       c. maize, mangoes      d. bananas, wheat

5.) We take care of our body in order to

a.) allow germs   b. keep dirts        c. look clean and attractive   d. have body odour

6.) All of these are ways we can care for our body except

a.) taking our bath regularly  b. brushing our mouth  c. keeping our clothes d.) not cleaning and properly trimming our nails

7.) The best tool for trimming our nails is __________

a.) opener  b. nail cutter        c. our mouth        d. knife

8.) Skin diseases are the result of ____________

a.) proper care of the body

b.) not taking proper care of the body

c.) keeping the body clean always

d.) none of the above

 9.) The part of the body used for tasting, chewing and grinding food is the __________

a.) eyes     b. shoulder c. mouth    d. toes

10.) It is essential, we brush our mouth a minimum of ______ daily to prevent cavities

a.) once               b. twice                c. six times d. twenty times

11-12.) __________ and _________ are energy giving foods

a.) vitamins, minerals   b. proteins, fats and oils                  c. carbohydrates, fats and oils    d. water, minerals

13.) All of these are examples of fats and oils except

a.) butter    b. coconut oil       c. palm oil  d. apples

14.) We can kill germs on our hands by

a.) washing it with water only

b.) applying hand sanitizers

c.) licking it with enough saliva

d.) washing it with sand

15-16.) _________ and ________ are good examples of carbohydrates

a.) plantain, potatoes   b. meat, fish        c. mangoes, pineapples        d. pumpkin leaf, okro

17.) The part of the body designed for breathing and smelling is the __________

a.) hair       b. ears       c. Nose      d. chin

18.) All of these are materials we can use to care for the hands and feet except

a.) towel              b. nail cutter        c. hand sanitizer d. ear drop

19.) _________ means foods that build up the bones and muscles              

a.) vitamins b. energy giving           c. minerals d. body building

20-21.) _________ and _________ are types of clothes

a.) cardigans, basket   b. leaves, gowns c. flowers, husks d. shirts, trousers

22.) One of the importance of clothes is

a.) show our nakedness

b.) show our position and rank in the society

c.) to display the highest form of seriousness in learning

d.) none of the above

23.) It is wise to wear ______ clothing during hot weather

a.) thick                b. light                  c. heavy     d. cardigans

24.) All of these contains little or no amino acid except

a.) nuts      b. pulses    c. meat                d. oil seeds

25-26.) __________ and ___________ are examples of footwear

a.) camisole, mittens    b. sandals, hand gloves        c. canvas, boots           d.) rain coats, sweaters

27.) All of these are importance of footwear except

a.) it protects us against falling objects

b.) it protects us against electric shock

c.) it helps us with a correct standing and walking posture

d.) all of the above

28.) A flowering plant that contains seeds is known as ___________

a.) fruits     b. vegetables      c. pulses    d. nuts

29-30.) _________ and ___________ are examples of fruits

a.) kiwi, water melon    b. strawberry, akpu      c. pumpkin leaf, bread d. eggs, meat


Answer only THREE questions in this section

1a.) State three steps in the daily cleaning of the house         

  b.) Enumerate four materials/tools used for cleaning the house

2a.) Describe three reasons for wearing cloths

  b.) List four clothing items

3a.) Explain the meaning of vegetable crops

  b.) Give four examples of vegetable crops

4a.) Define the term “Nutrient”

  b.) Discuss two ways we can care for the hands and the feet

  c.) Outline two importance of footwear

5a.) What is a fruit?

  b.) Mention four examples of fruits

   c.) Discuss two reasons why we need to clean our houses daily