Basic Science and Technology - Primary 3 - Exams





INSTRUCTION: Choose the appropriate options to answer each of the following questions

1.) ______ describes how long or short an object is

a.) length   b. mass               c. weight    d. time

2.) All of these are olden methods of measuring length except

a.) hand span     b. stride      c. arm length       d. tape measure

3.) mm in length means _________

a.) method maths         b. mean mass     c. millimeters       d. method metres

4.) ___________ are devices that were used in ancient times to carry our arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

a.) mechanical devices b. early counting devices      c. digital computers      d.) hybrid computers

5.) One of these is not an example of an early counting device

a.) calculator       b. stones   c. cowries  d. pebbles

6.) The first generation of computer were made with __________

a.) transistors      b. IC  b. vacuum tubes d. VLSI

7.) IC means ________

a.) Informed Circuit      b. Internal Circuit c. Integrated Circuit      d. Integrated Serious

8.) Examples of the fifth generation of computer are __________ and _________

a.) IBM-370/168           b. ENIAC and UNIVAC c. CRAY-X and CDC 1604             d.) desktop and laptop

9.) All of these are standard measures of mass except

a.) spring balance        b. beam balance c. triple beam balance d. a grain of wheat

10.) 1000kg makes _________

a.) 1gramme       b. 1 kilogramme  c. 1 tonne  d. 1 decagramme

11.) The amount of matter in an object is called the ________

a.) length    b. mass               c. weight    d. time

12.) The act of changing place and position is called ________

a.) mass    b. weight    c. movement       d. length

13.) _______ is the measurable period during which an action exists or continues

a.) length    b. mass               c. weight    d. time

14.) How many days are in a leap year?

a.) 100 days        b. 366 days         c. 365 days d. 360 days

15.) We have _______ months in a year

a.) 24          b. 12           c. 4             d. 60

16.) A part of the computer that houses the primary devices that perform operations and produce results for complex calculations is called _________

a.) system unit    b. output devices c. input devices  d. motherboard

17.) RAM means

a.) Ram an animal       b. Random Access Memory  c. Read Always Memory                 d. Read Again Memory

18.) ________ provides power to the computer

a.) motherboard           b. processor        c. power supply  d. hard drive

19.) Ability to move with speed or ease is called _________

a.) agility    b. endurance      c. strength d. flexibility

20.) __________ is how strong one is    

a.) agility    b. endurance      c. strength d. flexibility

21.) We can build our flexibility by

a.) weight lifting   b. running  c. cycling   d. stretching

22.) ________ energy produces light

a.) chemical        b. mechanical     c. light        d. sound

23.) All of these are artificial sources of light except

a.) torch light       b. candle   c. match sticks    d. star

24.) The energy from the sun can be used to provide_________

a.) water    b. electricity         c. saturation        d. chemosynthesis

25.) CPU means

a.) Control Processed Unit

b.) Central Possessed Until

c.) Central Processing Unit

d.) Command Processed Unity

26.) The part of the system unit that controls all the activities of the computer is called the ________

a.) keyboard       b. processor        c. scanner d. monitor

27.) ________ mirrors are curved inside

a.) concave         b. convex   c. contact   d. relax

28.) We use input devices to

a.) enter commands into the computer

b.) enter data into the computer

c.) enter sounds into the computer

d.) all of the above

29.) One of these is not an output device

a.) monitor b. printer    c. speakers d. keyboard

30.) Farming with hoes and cutlasses is an example of _________ technology

a.) developed      b. underdeveloped       c. re-developed            d. anti-developed


Answer only THREE questions in this section

1a.) Give five examples of movement patterns

  b.) List three examples of early counting devices

  c.) State two olden methods of measuring time

2a.) Explain the term “Energy”

  b.) Describe two uses of light

  c.) Write the full meaning of the following

          i.) ALU

          ii.) CU

          iii.) MU

3a.) What is a mirror?

  b.) Enumerate two applications of the reflection of light

  c.) Give two examples each of

          i.) Output devices

          ii.) Input devices

4a.) Define the term “technology”

  b.) Give two examples each of

          i.) underdeveloped technology

          ii.) developed technology

5a.) What are sprint races?

  b.) Give two examples of sprint races

  c.) Highlight three skills and techniques in sprint races