Christian Religious Studies - Primary 2 - Exams





Name: ______________________________________________________


Choose the appropriate option to answer the below questions

1.) _________ separates us from God.

a.) worship b. praise    c. sin          d. forgiveness

2.) It is because of ___________ that we cannot relate with God

a.) worship b. praise    c. sin          d. forgiveness

3.) God is Holy and He that must worship Him must worship Him

a.) whenever they like

b.) in spirit and in truth

c.) in likeness and in His image

d.) in sickness

4.) Jesus has the power to _________ sins

a.) neglect b. ignore    c. abandon          d. forgive

5.) A simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson is called __________.

a.) parables                  b. sins        c. miracles d. sorcery

6.) In the Bible, who was found of speaking in parables?

a.) satan    b. angels   c. demons d. Jesus

7.) In the parable of the ________, He went about planting seeds.

a.) hidden treasures     b. mustard c. sower     d. Lazarus

8.) The seeds fell in all these places except

a.) rocky grounds         b. way side c. thorns    d. bridge

9.) What did the five foolish virgins forget? 

a.) food      b. money   c. fuel         d. oil

10.) How many wise virgins were there?

a.) three     b. four        c. five         d. six

11.) Who were the virgins waiting for?

a.) bridegroom    b. bride      c. bridal train       d. wedding guests

12.) When the virgins got to the venue they __________

a.) started gisting b. slept off  c. jumped up and down         d. started dancing

13.) ________ is when we make something out of nothing

a.) miracles         b. signs      c. creation d. parables

14.) God created things out of __________

a.) sleep    b. iron         c. stone      d. words

The first Humans created by God were 15. ___________ and 16. ___________

a.) Abraham and Sarah                  b. Isaac and Rebecca  c. Adam and Eve d. Jacob and Rachel

17.) Man was made __________

a.) from water     b. from air  c. from the sand  d. from food

18.) Who tricked Eve?

a.) lion        b. tiger        c. leopard  d. serpent

19.) What was Eve tempted to eat?

a.) forbidden animal     b. forbidden fruit           c. forbidden birds          d. forbidden food

20.) The first humans were placed in the garden of _________

a.) Eden     b. Mesopotamia  c. Egypt     d. Babylonia

21.) The woman was made from the _______ of the man

a.) ribs        b. beards   c. blood      d. arteries

22.) _________ were placed at the entrance of the garden after the first humans were chased out

a.) demons b. angels   c. prophets d. counsels

23.) The penalty given to one due to wrong doing done by him is called __________

a.) obedience      b. disobedience  c. punishment     d. pride

24.) Refusal to follow and do given instructions is called

a.) obedience      b. disobedience  c. punishment     d. pride

25.) The process of being restored or made new in Christ for the purpose of becoming saved is called _________

a.) obedience      b. disobedience  c. punishment     d. salvation

26.) Who is Abraham’s wife?

a.) Rachel  b. Leah      c. Sarah              d. Ruth

27.) God made a _______ with Abraham

a.) promise b. covenant         c. vow        d. pledge

28.) ________ is the confidence and trust in God

a.) love       b. faith        c. hope      d. miracles

29.) God provided a _________ to replace Isaac at Mount Moriah

a.) lamb     b. dog        c. cat          d. tiger

30.) _________ became the father of the Israelites

a.) Esau     b. Jacob    c. Jeremiah         d. Esther


Answer all questions in this section

  1. Define sacrifice
  2. How is Sacrifice done in the Old testament?
  3. How did God punish Adam and Eve for disobedience?
  4. In five lines, write short notes on the parable of the Sower
  5. Discuss the forgiveness of sin by Jesus to Mary Magdalene