Basic Science and Technology - Primary 2 - Exams



CLASS: PRIMARY TWO                       SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE     Instructions: Answer all

Name: ________________________________________________________________


  1. Athletics is divided into _______. a) 7 b) 2   c) 3
  2. Track events are sports performed on the _______. (field, road, sea, air, track)
  3. Track events are grouped into _______. (one, two, three, four, five)
  4. Throws and jumps are examples of?
  5. Field event b) Track event
  6. One safety rule in athletics is? _______
  7. Basketball is played on a _______ court. (square, triangular, rectangular, round)
  8. Mention 3 skills in basketball;
  9. _______
  10. _______
  11. _______
  12. How many players participate in the game of basketball?
  13. _______ is a safety rule in basketball.
  14. Mention one sport you know _________________.

The animals that hop are;

  1. a) Frog b)   snake   c)   hen
  2. a) lion b) monkey   c) pig
  3. a) Rabbit b) Goat   c) Grasshopper

Movement patterns made b human beings are;

  1. a) jogging b) bending   c) marching
  2. a) running b) leaping   c) galloping
  3. a) stepping b) skipping  c) waking
  4. Swimming is an action made by _______
  5. Jumping is a movement made by ______
  6. Hopping is a movement made by _______
  7. Crawling is a movement made by _______