National Values Education - Primary 2 - Exams


1. ________ means a state of feeling of anxiety, fear or self doubt or troubled. A. insecurity, B. environment, C. human beings
2. ________ means exposure or liability to injury, pain harm or loss. A. energy, B. danger, C. drug abuse.
3. Sources of danger and insecurity are ________ and ________. A. fire outbreak and drug abuse, B. food and honey, C. wine and sweet.
4. ________ deals with human relationships and the way society works. A. C.R.K., B. basic, C. social studies.
5. The two types of environment are ________ and ________. A. physical and social, B. good and bad, C. cool and calm.
6. ________ is an attack or attacks on a place using bombs. A. culture, B. bombing, C. bus.
7. Culture means ________ A. the totality of the way of life of the people, B. good of people, C. enjoyments
8. Food for Yorubas.
A. akpu and ofe owerri, B. rice and beans, C. amala and ewedu soup.
9. Food poisoning is caused by eating ________ A. good food, B. contamination food, C. tea
10. ________ means anything we eat for growth and energy. A. food, B. rice, C. beans
11. Honesty is simply the refusal to lie, steal or ________ in any way. A. deceive, B. like, C. love
12. _________ are substances which a living thing needs in order to stay alive and to ________. A. cassava and human, B. nutrients and grow, C. nylon and melt.
13. A balanced diet contains proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, ________, ________ and _________. A. fat and oil, mineral salt, water, B. protein, beans, fish, C. sodium, calcium, iron.
14. Food protects us from _________ A. car, B. house, C. disease

Give 2 examples each of the following
15. Carbohydrates-
16. Protein-
17. Fats and oil-
18. Vitamins-
19. One of the importance of food nutrients is A. it prevents and fights against infections and diseases. B. it causes confusion, C. it is harmful to the body.
20. ________ means a group of people in a particular area who share common interests. A. nation, B. community, C. election
21. The two types of community are ________ and _________ A. modern and traditional, B. new and old, C. fast and big
22. N.P.F. means _________. A. National Pot and Food, B. Nigeria Police Force, C. Niger Political Food
23. S.S.S. means ________. A. sit stand song, B. sing song state, C. state security service
24. Greeting helps us to start __________ conversations. A. positive, B. bad, C. wrong

1. (a) What is community (b) Types of community
2. (a) Name 4 people we should greet (b) Meaning of Greeting (c) When we greet, it is a form of respect. (yes, no)
3. (a) Give 3 importance of food to human beings (b) What are Nutrients?