Basic Science and Technology - Primary 2 - Exams


Name: ______________________________________________________
Choose the appropriate option to answer the below questions

1. A game played by two teams of five players each shooting a ball through a raised goal in order to score is called _________
a. football b. basketball c. rugby d. tennis
2. _________ is not a basic skill in basketball
a. bouncing b. catching c. throwing d. goalkeeping
3. In the game of basketball, what part of the body is use mostly?
a. hands b. legs c. head .d. knees
4. ________ soil is a mixture of the other soils and humus
a. sandy b. clay c. loamy d. batter
5. _________ has the right water-holding capacity for the growth of plants.
a. sandy b. clay c. loamy d. batter
6. Have a little warm up _________ before commencing any basketball game
a. alcohol b. tobacco c. exercise d. sleep
7. ___________ is not appropriate for the game of basketball
a. knee cap b. helmets c. jersey d. stockings
8. All of these are procedures for setting up a workstation except
a. Carve out a space, room or office set aside as your workstation
b. Ensure there is a source of power in the space or room
c. Get appropriate tables, chairs and shelves to place your computer hardware components
d. purchase swimming gears and wear them
9. An area devoted for the use of computer and the activities it is used for is called
a. workstation b. work gear c. work fashion d. work date
10. __________ has the smallest particle size of any soil type
a. sandy b. clay c. loamy d. roman
11. Because the soil particles are small and close together, it takes water much longer to move through _________ soil
a. sandy b. clay c. loamy d. roman
12. One of these is not a material used in the preparation of clay
a. different clay types (plastic clay with a sandy clay, etc.)
b. clay with sand
c. grog
d. buttons
13. _________ 14. __________ and 15. __________ are mad using clay
a. Bricks b. cooking pots c. art objects d. television
16. __________ acts as a 'holding bay' for deleted items, such as files and folders
a. dust bin b. recycle bin c. thrash can d. napkin
17. __________ allows you to access your computer programs and configure Microsoft Windows easily by accessing the Start menu
a. browser icon b. media player icon c. file explorer icon d. windows startup icon
18. The browser icon is used to ___________
a. provide a graphical interface for the user to navigate and access the files stored in the computer.
b. access and play audio and video files on the computer system
c. access and surf the internet
d. hold deleted items
19. A cat _________
a. neighs b. barks c. moos d. mews
20. All of these are sounds made by human beings except
a. bawl b. whine c. moan d. bleat
21. A/an __________ drones
a. car b. train c. airplane d. sjip
22. A bird ________
a. crawls b. swims c. flies d. walks
23. __________ is a musical instrument that can be made with clay
a. saxophone b. drums c. piano d. ocarina
24. A snake _________
a. mews b. brays c. hisses d. cries
25. A human being can do all of the following except
a. crawl b. bend c. squat d. flap
26. How broad or narrow the leaves of a plant are describes the _________ feature
a. colour b. shape c. texture d. depth
27. The ____________is the very fastest and powerful, and expensive type of computer for processing data
a. Supercomputer b. Mainframe computer c. Mini computer d. Super microcomputer
28. ___________ is the movement of the body in the water using the arms and legs to stay afloat
a. gymnastics b. swimming c. tennis d. jumping
29. ____________ is not a basic skill in swimming
a. bouncing b. freestyle c. breaststroke d. backstroke
30. Lower plants that do not have roots, stems and leaves are called ___________
a. vascular plants b. non-vascular plant c. ruminant plants d. vertebrate plants

Answer all the questions in this section
1. State two characteristics of plants
2. Discuss two safety rules to be observed in swimming.
3. Give two examples each of
a. annual plants
b. biennial plants
c. perennial plants
4. What are microcomputers?
5. State three uses of animals