Verbal Reasoning - Primary 2 - Exams



CLASS: PRIMARY 2                                           SUBJECT: VERBAL REASONING


Complete in alphabetical order:

Example: abc, def, ghi

  1. b c d, __ __ __, h i j
  2. g h I, __ __ __, m n o
  3. o p q, __ __ __, u v w
  4. K L M, __ __ __, Q R S
  5. R S T, __ __ __, X Y Z
  6. How many vowels do we have? ______
  7. Write the vowels in small lettera___ ___ ___ ___

Circle the vowels and write it out

  1. b c  dorp = _____
  2. t r  n  u  f  k = _____
  3. g m e r t  l = _____
  4. How many consonants do we have? _____

Find the consonants in these words and underline

  1. Jam
  2. Clock
  3. Tree

Find the vowels in these words and underline

  1. Rain
  2. Arrow
  3. Hat

Rewrite these letters in alphabetical order

  1. I k j = _____
  2. r q p = ____
  3. h g f = ____

complete with a word that has the same last three letter words given in the box below: 

  1. crook brook cook               _______
  2. went pent sent                _______
  3. carry marry ferry               _______
  4. bank tank sank               _______
  5. sorry worry ferry               _______
  6. sling fling sing                _______
  7. land wand bland             _______
  8. paint mint saint               _______
  9. cast blast mast               _______
  10. cake make rake                _______


A         B          C         D         E          F          G         H         I           J           K

L          M        N         O         P          Q         R         S          T          U         V

W        X         Y         Z        

Now do these:

  1. The 21st letter is ______
  2. B is the ____ letter and G is the ____ letter
  3. The 12th and 13th letters are ____ and ____
  4. The 3rd, 1st, 11th and 5th letters spell ________
  5. After CDE come ____ ____ ____

Write these words in alphabetical order:

  1. Boat cake    axe      fish     duck   ear

____   ____   ____   ____   ____   ____

  1. gate ice       hat      cream            kite

____   ____   ____   ____               ____

  1. Dog butterfly        table   fish

____   ____               ____   ____

  1. parrot man    watch            kettle

_____             ____   ____               _____

  1. van sun under             train   zebra

____   ____   ____               ____   ____