National Values Education - Primary 1 - Exams




Instructions: Answer all

Name: ______________________________________________________


  1. We learn about civic education in the __________ (school/ market/ shop)
  2. Civic education encourages people to _____________ their country (love hate, make)
  3. We must ___________ our elders and other people in authority (respect/ fight/ disobey)
  4. Social studies teaches us to be ___________ citizens of a country (lazy/ bad/ good)
  5. An extended family is usually larger than a nuclear family (Yes/ No)
  6. Culture is a way of life of a group of people (Yes/ No)
  7. We must always keep our environment __________ (dirty/ clean/ rough)
  8. The way of dressing helps to keep the ______________ of a community (leaders/ culture/ food)
  9. Tuwo Shinkafa is commonly eaten among the ______ people (Igbo/ Hausa/ Yoruba)
  10. What are the two places we should always respect?
  11. Eating too much can cause _______________________
  12. We must wash our hands before eating (Yes/ No)
  13. Taking too much of anything into the body at one time is ___________(over eating/ over drinking/ overdose)
  14. Things in our culture that we can see, feel and touch are called ___________ (non-material culture/ material culture)
  15. Those things in our culture that we cannot see or touch are _________ (non-material/ material culture)
  16. Mention one aspect of culture you know _____________
  17. The basic unit of every society is the _______________
  18. A subject that studies social relationship is ________________
  19. _________________ means all the people in any community or country
  20. Mention one national symbol you know.