Quantitative Reasoning - Primary 1 - Exams



CLASS: GRADE 1                                    SUBJECT: QUANTITATIVE REASONING     

NAME: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Circle and write out the biggest number

(1) 402           302     102     202     20 = __________

(2) 71             61        51        31        21 = __________

(3) 333           222     111     404     80= __________

(4) 243           98        376     129     302 = __________

(5) 363           243     53        123     32 = __________



(18) A square has ________ sides (1,  4,  3, 2, 0)

(19) A triangle has ________ sides (2,  5,   3,  11)

e          f          h          i           n          o          r             t        v          w         u

1          2          3          4          5          6          7            8        9          10        11


One                6          5          1

(20) four        ____   ____   ___     ____

(21) three      ____   _____ ____   ____   ____

(22) ten          ____   ____   ____   _____ _____

(23) five        _____ _____ ____   _____

(24) two        ____   ____   ____

(25) Multiplication table

Let us start with 2x which means two

Times the number you may want to multiply


2 x 1 = 2                    2  x  2 = 4                  2   x  3 = 6

  00                                    00                               00

                                           00                               00


(26)     2 x 10 =

(27)     2 x 12 =

(28)     2 x 9 =

(29)     2 x 7 =


2a. A circle is ____________ (a) long   (b) short (c) round

2b. 9 = N ___ne

11 = E ____even

17 = S___v____nteen

3 = th___e e

14 = fo___rteen

10 = t___  ___