Christian Religious Studies - Primary 1 - Exams



CLASS: PRIMARY ONE                                   SUBJECT: CRK

  1. God is the ____________ of the world. a. creator b. John c. sun
  2. Attributes of God omnipotent, omniscience and ___________ a. omnibelong b. omnipresence c. omnicreation
  3. Omniscience means ___________ a. good b. garden c. God is all knowing
  4. God created ___________ a. man b. nothing c. pot
  5. God is ___________ and ___________ a. dirty and powerful b. books and pens c. holy and invinscible
  6. Omnipotence means __________ a. good is God b. God is good c. God is all powerful.
  7. God’s glory can be seen when we love and maintain His creation. (yes, no)
  8. He created man to have ___________ a. pain b. sorrow c. dominion
  9. Goodness means being ___________ a. good b. bad c. terrible
  10. God is good because it is His nature. (yes, no)
  11. __________ is the act of goodness. a. beating the hungry b. fighting the hungry c. feeding the hungry
  12. God provides _________ food for our families. a. sand b. good c. bad
  13. We thank God for His ___________ upon our lives and families. a. anger b. goodness c. sadness
  14. Jesus was the son of __________ and __________ a. Isaac and Rebecca b. Joseph and Mary c. God and satan
  15. Jesus was born in a ___________ a. church b. hospital c. manger
  16. We celebrate the birth of Jesus on ___________ a. Christmas b. Easter c. march
  17. The wise men presented _________, _________ and _________ to Jesus at His birth. a. sugar, tea and bread b. gold,myrr and frankincense c. sweet, honey and malt
  18. The three wise men were led from the _________ to __________ a. west to Judah b. west to Bethlehem c. west to Jerusalem
  19. God is our father because He made us in His own ___________ a. picture b. image c. light
  20. A responsible father __________ for his children. a. provides b. sleeps c. eats
  21. As good children, we should respect and obey our parents. (true, false)
  22. God is our father because He ___________ us. a. hates b. created c. sings
  23. ___________ is the leader of the family. a. father b. teacher c. mother
  24. We can praise God with God __________ a. sand b. stones c. songs
  25. We praise God because He ___________ it. a. hates b. loves c. deserves
  26. God’s glory can be seen by ___________ a. sleeping b. sitting c. praising



  1. (a) What is prayer?

(b) Outline the importance of prayers

  1. (a) Our Father who art in ________, hallowed be thy _________.

 (b) Emmanuel means __________________________________

  1. (a) Outline ways Christians have been saved by Jesus

(b) Love means ________________________________________