Verbal Reasoning - Primary 1 - Exams



CLASS: PRIMARY 1                                           SUBJECT: VERBAL REASONING


Complete with small letters

Examples Rr            Bb

  1. D _____ 2. G _____ 3. H _____
  2. Q _____ 5. N _____

Complete the pattern

Examples:    D         E          F          G         H

                        s          t           u          v          e

  1. R S T _____ _____ 7. J K L _____ _____
  2. a b c _____ _____ 9. d e f _____ _____
  3. d e f ____ _____ 11. T U V ___ _____
  4. F G H _____ ____


                        Dd      Ee        Ff        Gg       Hh

  1. Qq Rr        Ss        _____             _____
  2. Ll Mm    Nn      _____             _____
  3. Hh Ii         Jj          _____             _____
  4. Ee Ff        Gg       _____             _____

17        Cc       Dd      Ee        _____             _____

  1. Tt Uu      Vv       _____             _____
  2. Ff Gg       Hh      _____             _____
  3. Jj Kk       Ll        _____             _____

This is letter Aa. Capital letter A and small letter a

Do the following:

  1. The 1st letter of alphabet is _____
  2. It can be capital letter _____
  3. It can be small letter _____
  4. Letter A as in _____ and 25 _____

Write out 5 words that start with letter ‘a’

  1. _____ 27 _____ 28 _____
  2. _____ 30 _____

Complete the pattern – last letter


                        jj a       MM B            tt c      DDD

  1. ff k UUL dd _____      zz _____
  2. nn P BB Q zz _____       YY _____
  3. ll e RR F ww _____     AA _____
  4. UU f VV G ww _____     Xx _____
  5. CC I LL j nn _____       hh _____

Circle the word that begin with Bb

  1. rag bag     ant      crab
  2. face cab      bake   axe

38        jug      pay     buy     queen

  1. boat lab      rake    clap
  2. (40 marks)


Circle the words that begin with Aa

Example:                   cup,    rat,            zebra


  1. beg        club               ant                  egg
  2. arrow     peg                eat                  crab
  3. socks     apple              lap                  rocket
  4. bake      face               ace                  zebra
  5. pay        art                 jug                  crab


a          b          c          d          e          f           g          h          i           j           k          l

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10        11        12

m        n          o          p          q          r          s          t           u          v          w         x

13        14        15        16        17        18        19        20        21        22        23        24

y          z

25        26


book =           2          15        15        11

  1. red =          ____   ____   ____  
  2. clap =          ____   ____   ____   ____
  3. room =          ____   ____   ____   ____
  4. 8113   =          ____   ____   ____
  1. 5120 =          ____   ____   ____


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