Nature Study - Nursery 2 - Exams



CLASS: NURSERY TWO                                               SUBJECT: NATURE STUDY 

Name: ________________________________________________________________


  1. ___________, _____________ and _____________ are the 3 uses of hands (writing/ singing/ touching/ kicking/ working)
  2. Objects in the sky are ___________ and ___________ (moon/ pencil/ star/ book)
  3. _________ is the wind in motion (Air/ fire)
  4. Animals that can fly in the air _____________, ______________ and ______________ (cow/ eagle/ goat/ pigeon// dove)
  5. _________ is the natural agent that helps us to see (light/ water)
  6. Objects that can sink in the water are ________ and ___________ (stone/ plastic/ iron)
  7. _________ is the outermost layer of the earth’s crust on which plant grow (soil/ plant)

10a. ____________, _________ and __________ are the types o soil we have (loamy soil/ clay soil/ sandy soil/ plant soil)

10b. _________ is good for building (sandy soil/ clay soil)

10c. _____________ is used for moulding (clay soil/ loamy soil)