Literacy - Nursery 2 - Exams



CLASS: NURSERY TWO                                               SUBJECT: LITERACY

Name: ________________________________________________________________

1a. What is a noun? _______________________________________________

1b. Examples of a noun are _____________, ____________, ___________, _________________

  1. ____________ and _______________ are words that have rhymes sounds (house – mouse/ try – fry/ cat – table)
  2. Write the opposite of these words

Words                  Opposite

  1. Go
  2. Front
  3. Stand
  4. Long
  5. White

3. What are the plural of these words

  1. Chair ______________
  2. Lorry _____________
  3. Table ___________
  4. Baby ____________

4. Sentence dictation

  1. _______________________________
  2. __________________________
  3. ________________________

5. What is a pronoun? _____________________________

6a. Examples of a pronoun __________________, _________________

6b. Write the feminine of these words

            Masculine                             Feminine

  1. Boy
  2. Father
  3. Nephew

7. Read and copy these simple sentences

The      man     is    very    tall


She        is     a     beautiful   girl


I        am       dark      in     complexion



  1. What is verb?

9b. Examples of verbs are _____________________




  1. Write six letter words you know?

Example: window

  1. __________________
  2. ________________
  3. _________________
  4. ______________________
  5. ________________
  6. ___________________