Health Habits - Nursery 2 - Exams



CLASS: NURSERY TWO                                               SUBJECT: HEALTH HABIT

Name: ________________________________________________________________

  1. ___________ and __________ are ways we can take care of the body (taking our bath/ playing with dirt/ brushing the hair)
  2. _______________ and ___________ are things that can cause health disorder (not eating healthy food/ malaria/ exercising)
  3. We can dispose refuge/ dirts using ________ (waste bin/ pot)
  4. __________ and ____________ are airborne disease (cataarh/ diarrhea/chicken pox)
  5. ___________ and __________ are ways we can prevent diseases (playing/ exercising/ eating balance diet)
  6. Cover your _______ while coughing (Nose/ mouth/ leg)
  7. List five sense organs you know ___________, ___________, ____________, ___________ and __________ (sight/ hearing/ dancing/ smell/ taste/ touch)
  8. __________ and ___________ are object that are in solid forms (stone/ iron/ water)
  9. ___________ and _____________ are examples of liquid forms (kerosene/ water/ plate)

_________ is an example of a gas form (mineral/ plastic)