Christian Religious Studies - Nursery 2 - Exams



CLASS: NURSERY TWO                                               SUBJECT: C.R.K

Name: ________________________________________________________________

  1. Recite our Lord’s prayer

2a. __________ is the father of Joseph (Jacob/ Isaac)

2b. ____________ and ______________ are among the brothers of Joseph (Benjamin/ Reuben/ Daniel)

  1. We should always show love to our neighbours (True/ False)
  2. ___________ had a dream (Pharoah/ Jesus)
  3. ______________ interpreted Pharoah’s dream (Joseph/ Benjamin)
  4. The Isrealites were enslaved in the land of __________ (Goshen/ Egypt)
  5. ____________ is the mother of Moses (Amram/ Sarah)
  6. ______________ is the name of Moses sister (Mirriam/ Diana)
  7. ____________ saved the people of Isrealites from suffering (Moses/ Pharoah)
  8. The children of Isrealites crossed ____________ sea (Blue sea/ red sea/ black sea)