Phonics - Nursery 2 - Exams



CLASS: NURSERY TWO                                  SUBJECT: PHONICS

  1. Sentence dictation:

(a) ____________________         

(b) ____________________

(c) ____________________

(d) ____________________

(e) ____________________


  1. Word dictation:

(a) ____________________                   

(b) ____________________

(c) ____________________         

(d) ____________________

(e) ____________________


  1. Fill in the missing sounds:

(a) R_n      (ay, ai)       

(b) J_l         (ai, ay)                

(c) P_n       (ay, ai)       

(d) M_l       (ay, ai)       

(e) t_l          (ai, ay)


  1. Choose the correct answers from the bracket:

(a) st___ (ai, ay)          

(b) p___ (ai, ay)

(c) cl___ (ai, ay)          

(d) pr___ (ai, ay)

(e) tr___ (ai, ay)


  1. Fill in the gaps below

(a) s__ (ee, ea)            

(b) f__ (ee, ea)

(c) p__p (ee, ea)          

(d) b__ (ea, ee)

(e) r__d (ee, ea)


  1. Fill in the gaps:

(a) m__t (ea, ee)                   

(b) s__t (ea, ee)

(c) h__t (ea, ee)           

(d) t__ (ea, ee)


  1. What sound suits in the gaps below?

(a) g__t (oa, ou)           

(b) fl__t (oa, ou)

(c) b__t (ou, oa)           

(d) c__t (ou, oa)

(e) s__k (ou, oa)


  1. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct answer:

(a) b__k (oo, oo)                   

(b) l__k (oo, oo)

(c) c__k (oo, oo)                    

(d) w__d (oo, oo)

(e) h__k (oo, oo)


  1. Choose the correct answer from the bracket;

(a) __l (oi, oy)                        

(b) b__l (oy, oi)

(c) f__l (oi, oy)                       

(d) s__l (oi, oy)

(e) c__n (oi, oy)


  1. Fill in the space with the correct sound in the bracket:      

(a) b__ (oi, oy)                       

(b) t__ (oi, oy)

(c) pl__ (oi, oy)                      

(d) enj__ (oi, oy)