Numeracy - Nursery 2 - Exams



CLASS: NURSERY 2                                        SUBJECT: NUMERACY 

NAME: …………………………………………………………………………


(1) Count and write 1 – 100







































































































  1. Spell and write these numbers 1 -30 in words
































  1. Complete the following number endings 109 – 150

109 ______________

119 ____________

129 _____________

139 _______________

149 _______________


  1. Fill in the 3 times tables below

(i) 3 x 1 = _____________                       (ii) 3 x 5 = ______________

(iii) 3 x 4 =_____________                      (v) 3 x 3 = _______________


  1. Write out the odd numbers between 1 and 20

____________   ____________   ____________   ____________


____________   ____________   ____________   ____________


____________   ____________  


  1. Circle the even numbers in the below set

21               22               23               24               25              

26               27               28               29               30


(7) Add up

  1. 3 + 1 =
  2. 1 + 1 =
  3. 5 + 5 =
  4. 3 + 3 =
  5. 4 + 5 =


(8) Subtract the following

  1. 8 – 3 =
  2. 4 – 2 =
  3. 2 – 2 =
  4. 7 – 5 =
  5. 4 – 4 =