Christian Religious Studies - Nursery 1 - Exams



CLASS: NURSERY ONE                                                             SUBJECT: C.R.K 

Name: ________________________________________________________________

  1. King _______ refused to let the Israelites go (a) Herod (b) Pharoah
  2. God punishes the Egyptians with _______ plagues (a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 1
  3. _________ led the Israelites oat of the Egypt (Aaron/ Moses)
  4. The food God rained from heaven was known as ________ (manna/ breakfast)
  5. _________ is talking with God (shouting/ prayer)
  6. God’s ten commandments must be _______ (Disobeyed/ Obeyed)
  7. The name of the sea the Israelites crossed was called the _______ sea (Red/ Green)
  8. Moses rod turned into a ________ (cartoon/ snake)
  9. God gave Moses the __________ commandments (10/ 14)
  10. _________ helped the widow (wicked judge/ Mathew)
  11. We obey ________ and ______________ (God and parents/ Satan and evil)